Monday, December 17, 2007

Tasty Treat

With the stress that follows having a newborn, some people crave food that gives them a quick "pick-me-up." Chocolate has always been a good friend of mine. If you leave a bowl full of M&M's on the coffee table, it will be gone by the conclusion of that evening. So, when I was standing in line today at the grocery store...I just couldn't resist my favorite candy bar:

Cadbury's Caramello with its milk chocolate and creamy caramel :)

What is your favorite candy bar?


Cool Dad said...

Chunky Bar. Milk chocolate, peanuts, & raisins. And the name makes me think that eating one is a great accomplishment. :)

cool mum said...

Milka chocolate bar w/hazelnuts and raisins. Sort of the Swiss relative of the Chunky. yum...

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