Friday, December 14, 2007


Before my own child, who is 6 days old, I had never changed a diaper before.

Who can blame me?

Anyways, I haven't gagged, lost my cookies, or passed out when it comes to diaper changing...yet (I have a gag reflex that is easily triggered).

Funny story though...,

Yesterday I was changing Kayley's diaper (Meg and I take turns doing this chore) and I opened it to find a squeaky-clean diaper. In my mind, I gave a silent cheer for my luck...

Celebrated to soon...

As soon as I lifted her legs to put the diaper back underneath her behind, I got something along the lines of 1/2 passing of gas and 1/2 dropping the deuce (also known as a "shart").

I panicked under-pressure and yelled for the wife.

Hey, I'm still learning here!


Brandy said...

I can't stop laughing!!! A shart!! You sound like my husband!!

When our first was a newborn, my husband was gone to Recruiter Training School, and I was doing the diaper duty alone. He was only like a week old and I too thought I had a clean dipe to change, only he shot that poop out so fast I instantly held my hand up and it splattered on my hand and deflected back onto my baby!! It was a happy and sad moment all roled into one very big shart! ;-)

Okay so I have read all through your blog (saw you at Tam's) and THIS is the post I decide to comment on?? haha!

BTW, love all your pics and videos...your daughter is amazingly beautiful. My oldest was sitting here with me looking at them and says "that is a cute baby!" ;-)

Brandy said...

I realize I spelled "rolled" wrong. I hope you aren't an english teacher. ;-)

OneManMajority said...

Thanks for checking in Brandy! Comment anytime :)

By the way, I do teach English ;)

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