Thursday, February 21, 2008

Some Thoughts On Barack Obama

Let me add a little note here because I believe some people have taken my position as a radical one:

I am against the hype of Barack Obama for many reasons. I would love to talk with anybody on any issue. My viewpoints are not intended to be negative in tone, but my support for the candidate is. Please understand, just because I am a Christian does not mean I shouldn't stand up for the ideals I believe this country (and world) should strive for. I am all for unity, unity in Christ and not in a candidate. If Barack wins the election, I live with the decision. But, at least I made a stand on the issues and positions I feel are important to the well-being of my God, my family, and my country. I do not appologize for that.

Taken from a previous conversation:

In my eyes, and the eyes of many others, Barack Obama preaches being a Dream Maker. When people give reasons for supporting him, I think to myself, is there even one ounce of reality buried in any of his positions?

Barack Obama is full of cliche remarks that "get Americans going." This is evident by the debates I have watched throughout this political season. One can only take him for his word, because he has absolutely nothing to back it up. He has been a Senator for just about three years. In those three years he has missed 40% of his legislative votes. Which brings me to another point. A Senator, although impactive, is nothing more than a legislature pulled by different opositions to express their agendas. It is the way of Washington.

Then there is the issue of Barack being touted as unpolarizing. They're kidding right? Barack Obama was rated as the 6th most liberal Senator in Congress. He also voted with his party (when he did vote) 100% of the time. Both of these facts shows that although he preaches "unity," he has shown no evidence of it during his infant career. Actions speak louder than words.

Brack Obama also pushes the ideology of universal healthcare. First, Universal healthcare is a political myth used to pull in votes. I can tell you right here, even if Obama gets elected for 2 terms (God help us), he will never provide the United States with universal health care. The philosophical thought is genious. The outcome is chaos (i.e. Canada, Europe). What he should be focusing on is fixing medical malpractice lawsuits and change regulations for medical insurance companies (he can start right in his own home for that).

Then their is Obama's foreign policy. The policy that will save the world. His foreign policy might sound great. But, what experience does he have? Out of anyone in this campaign, Huckabee and Romney were by far the most qualified when it comes to government authority. Legislatures make laws based on political agendas. Governors have all of the same political agencies available to the president (obviously on a smaller scale. They have state military, trade, education, taxes, legislative powers, balancing a budget, etc. Obama has 10 years of politcal experience, 8 of which was spent in the Illinois senate under one of the most corupt democrats in the Midwest.

I would guess a majority of Americans vote without really knowing much at all. Have you witnessed the post poll forums or political news blogs/interviews? A majority of Americans DID select a candidate based on trivial bias. It is/was truly sickening.

I wasted a vote last year on John Kerry (ugh). I voted because I wanted change. John Kerry symbolized that. I see the very same thing happening with Obama. It is very, very similar.

Hopefully, this year, people do not waste a vote on another candidate who has little experience, a vague platform, and runs on nothing but hope.

We NEED more than that...


Tam said...

These are crazy times. Watching the candidates is almost embarrassing to me. If we're being truthful here, don't you think they are speak a little fluff? It's more of a "my dreams and ideas are better than yours!" Forgetting that they work for us! We pay them!

I'm struggling with voting my conscience and morals based on my faith in God because no one candidate encapsulates that. To vote for one means I am sacrificing something big, something important. I'm at a crossroads.

I know it starts with only one person...but I would really love to see the church, the body of Christ, make a Holy Impact on this world and stop sitting back complaining about an incompetent President not doing their job.

I really don't know what I'm going to do this election.

Great thoughts Ryan. Thanks for posting this!

Josh said...

Wow, judging by your facebook notes, posts, and the blog you really, really dislike this guy.

Here's a good article (a counterpoint) that really shows what Barack Obama has done in the senate:

Also, the part about the 6th most liberal senator has long been debunked. It was based on tenuous reasons at best and the argument is extremely weak.

Even if he was the 6th most, what's so wrong with being "liberal?"

Josh said...

sorry, the link didn't appear correctly. (at least on my screen)

here it is:


OneManMajority said...


I know exactly where you are coming from. If these candidates are the best America has to offer, all I can say is YIKES! I appreciate your feedback.


I read through the article, but it does not change my position. In fact, it only makes my convictions stronger. Looking through the list of "successful" bills Obama has passed, I like to call these Mulligan Bills. Basically, it is a gimme vote. Anyone, of any party, could have developed these logical supported bills and got them to pass. The substance of the bills prove nothing of his positions, which he continues to mask throughout this political season.

He has been aware, for quite some time, that he would be running for president of the United States. If I were him, I'd spend my time writing and passing Mulligan Bills too. Makes you look like you care.

But, at least he saved kids from lead. You have that going for you :)

Ryan said...


I respect your position politically but your assumptions about "most of American's" not really knowing why they are voting for someone is a bit hypocritical. Do you think that you know about the entirety of Barak Obama's record or any big political figures position for that matter. What is your alternative- Any big figure (i.e) all of the candidates that we will vote for, just like all humans, we take their faults and downfalls as well as their successes. No candidate in this election will be exactly in line with everything that the voter agrees with. (assuming we know the candidates well enough to make that assumption)

My issue with your post here and that of a previous post about "the lesser of two evils" (Barak or Hillary) is that you assert yourself as a Christian and then speak clearly on party lines (there is definitely no unity in that) You seem very closed minded to me (I apologize if that sounds harsh but your words indicate that)

If you want to speak of unity and I assume because you are a Christian, you want unity, then you need to investigate the candidates not based on party lines like it appears you have been doing. And it certainly is a free Country and you certainly have a right to your opinions but when you speak in such broad terms and use phrases such as "lesser of two evils" and !'s as if most readers (Christians) are agreeing with you- it's then that I take issue. What I'm really taking issue at is the way you are representing the Body of Christ which is not split on party lines and does not fit neatly into a liberal or conservative position.

Also needed, is a clear definition of liberal (do you know what you mean by that phrase and can you clearly state what a liberal position is)

Brother, it seems like you are putting way to much faith in our political system; Barak, Hillary, McCain- each one has their faults and each one will attempt to do what they feel is right-

I just can't say I agree with your negative sentiments towards candidates; you speak as if you are an expert on policy and their person-hood- and please please remember, you are representing the followers of Jesus- we need to be open minded and not strictly locked into party lines-

I do respect your right to your opinion and I would like to continue this dialog because I think it's important; I certainly harbor no ill feelings towards you as a person brother, but I take extreme issue in how you talk about politics and religion (mixing the two like peanut butter and jelly) I can say assuredly that that's not how Jesus would do it.

With respect and love in Christ (the unity that we all seek)


OneManMajority said...


I thank you for the thoughtful response, however, I think you extremely misguided in regards to my position.

I have spent a good part of the last 6 months disecting these candidates like it was a high school science class. In fact, from 2004-2007 I actually SUPPORTED Barack Obama. However, I then began to dig around and found a lot of unsettling positions.

As for most Americans not really knowing their candidate, I have to disagree. In many polls, throughout our electoral history, a majority of voters based their opinions on a) word of mouth b) news media outlets c) a one-time speech or debate. Generally speaking, most Americans do not find the time to read up on each candidate and understand their positions. I do not see myself as close minded, I see myself as well researched on issues that will directly affect me as a citizen and as a spiritual being.

I may not be an expert in the areas you mentioned, but based on my readings of Obama's debate responses and own foreign policy blueprint...I have issues in regards to his diplomacy.

In regards to this post, I actually left religion out of the equation. If you would like to hear my position on Barack Obama's faith and how he, as a self-proclaimed Christian, works against the greater deeds of a loving God.

(no offense Tam)


~Voted against banning partial birth abortion (up to third trimester!)

~He voted against requiring medical care for aborted fetuses who survive(

~Supports Roe v. Wade

~Voted YES on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines.

~Voted NO on notifying parents of MINORS who get out-of-state abortions.

~Rated 0% by the NRLC, indicating a pro-choice stance.

Also, as a Christian, I do believe in unity. But, it seems to me like you are confusing unity with support. This brings up the debate, would Jesus have supported the Roman emperors who defied God, or would Jesus have lead his people to unite together to stand up for what was right in the eye's of God?

I can accept Obama as a person. However, I cannot...based on my convictions both politcally and him as a viable candidate (and yes I know what a liberal is...that is for another debate)

This issue is beyond party lines. If you do not know me, then it may appear that way, but I have done the research and made my mistakes as a political citizen to warrant the distinction of being knowledgable on the candidates themselves. As far as negative comments, if I do not support someone, my opinions will come across as negative. How would they be positive?

Again, I take it (based on your response) that you feel as though I am not well versed. If anything, I am "over" versed on these issues this political season. Unfortunately, this is what I do in my free time.

Sorry you feel as though I am not being Christian enough in my political beliefs and sentiments.

OneManMajority said...

Now, if you want to directly talk about Obama and religion here are a few things to chew on.

Obama's "home" church is lead by a pastor who denounces Israel as land of God. His church has thrown out that doctrine of thought. If you watched the last debate, you saw Obama dance around this indirect question.

Also, Obama is supported by Oprah of the most influential people in the world. Oprah is also starting to spread the word (and teach!) about a New Age Christ, something Obama has supported as another arm of the Christian faith. Please direct youself to the following link to see how this teaching directly goes against the doctrine and scripture of the Bible.

There is more at stake here than a presidential election here, Ryan, and Christians must most definitely speak the truth to save the Word.

OneManMajority said...

Tam said...

No offense taken friend


Ryan said...

Thank you for your response Ryan, very well put; you did clarify some things- I'd love to continue this dialog, more later

OneManMajority said...

here are some of the reasons I support Mike Huckabee (and no, I do not agree with all his positions or policies).

First, he (like Barack) is a great speaker and exudes charisma. Second, he was Lt. Governor for 3 years and then Governor for 10. He has experience in running a state government, which (although on a smaller scale) has many of the same agencies as our federal government. Third, he wears his faith on his sleeve. He is honest. He doesn't do the Sunday morning press conference in the local congregation to receive the Christian vote (Barack, Hillary). Even though a Christian politician, he governs his people with regards to all religions and does not make it an issue (except in the case of abortion, school prayer, and civil unions).

Here are some other topics I support that come straight from Huckabee and his current and prior policies. Now some are philosophical ideas and others are philosophical ideas that have been used as governing tools:

~Will lead fight for constitutional ban on abortion. (Feb 2008)
~No tax funding for organizations that promote abortion. (Sep 2007)
~Eliminate public funding for abortion organizations. (Nov 2002)
~steered AR from $200M deficit to an $850M surplus. (Jan 2008)
~To reduce spending, get rid of IRS & revamp DHS. (Nov 2007)
~Uphold commitments to states before other spending. (Sep 2001)
~No civil unions; only one-man-one-woman marriage. (Nov 2002)
~Build more prisons, and privatize their management. (Nov 2002)
~Supports flexible federal block grants for crime programs. (Sep 2001)
~Death penalty is necessary part of criminal justice system. (Sep 2007)
~Treatment for drug use instead of incarceration. (Jan 2001)
~Increased school taxes, by court order, and schools improved. (Dec 2007)
~Education is a state issue, not a federal issue. (Dec 2007)
~AR improved test scores (2007)
~Comprehensive plan for energy independence within ten years. (Jan 2008)
~More funding to develop domestic energy supplies. (Sep 2001)
~Support State Revolving Loan Fund for flexible Clean Water. (Aug 2001)
~Follow Boy Scout rule: leave earth better than we found it. (May 2007)
~Federal funds & state involvement in fatherhood initiatives. (Aug 2001)
~Get as many views as possible regarding foreign policy. (Dec 2007)
~Demand accountability from Pakistan for our $10B. (Nov 2007)
~Not yet ready for two-state solution for Israel & Palestine. (Nov 2007)
~We answer to our Constitution, not to international law. (Sep 2007)
~Don't pressure Israel to give up land for promise of peace. (Sep 2007)
~Not the job of the US to export our form of government. (Aug 2007)
~Support Israel as strategic ally, but respect Palestine. (Jan 2007)
~As governor, visited 41 countries & met with heads of state. (Jan 2006)
~Fair trade includes lead-free products & playing by rules. (Jan 2008)
~A free country must feed, fuel, & fight for itself. (Dec 2007)
~We need fair trade because we're losing jobs. (Oct 2007)
~This country can never yield its sovereignty for any reason. (Sep 2007)
~Trade sanctions on Saudi Arabia for persecuting Christians. (Sep 2007)
~China trade contingent on human rights & product safety. (Sep 2007)
~No NAFTA Superhighway from Canada to Mexico. (Sep 2007)
~Govern by "Regnat Populus," AR's motto "The People Rule". (Jun 2007)
~Honor the Tenth Amendment & strengthen the states. (May 2007)
~ Change House terms to 4 years, to avoid constant campaigning. (Nov 1992)
~Allow concealed carry. (Nov 2002)
~Ok to ban smoking from workplaces, but not to ban smoking. (Feb 2008)
~Oppose mandated health insurance and universal coverage. (Sep 2007)
~Guaranteed medical care not government's responsibility. (Nov 2002)
~Supports consumer-driven "medical IRA" with tax-free money. (Nov 1992)
~Pathway to citizenship must start at back of line, out of US. (Dec 2007)
~Focus on demand: penalize employers of illegal immigrants. (Sep 2007)
~More R&D & tax incentives for small farmers. (Sep 2001)
~Personalization of retirement funds, not privatization. (Oct 2007)
~Replace payroll tax & fund Social Security with FairTax. (Sep 2007)
~Raised Arkansas taxes 5 times, but lowered taxes 94 times. (Jan 2007)
~Eliminated AR marriage penalty & capital gains on home sales. (Jan 2007)
~Post every federal expenditure on Internet within 24 hours. (Feb 2008)
~Re-establish diplomatic ties to Iran, so we can move forward. (Jan 2008)
~Go after al Qaeda's safe havens in Pakistan. (Jan 2008)
~Stay in Iraq because we're winning; we lose if we walk away. (Dec 2007)
~Train & arm Kurds to prevent cross-border PKK incursions. (Oct 2007)
~Attack Iran's nukes even if Congress says no. (Oct 2007)
~Deal with terrorism as a joint federal-state responsibility. (Feb 2001)
~Include states in anti-terrorism planning. (Sep 2001)
~First Amendment never intended to shut out voices of faith. (Jan 2007)

These, along with many other reasons, are why I support Huckabee.

Huckabee, however, will not get the nomination. Therefore, although more lax in policy on certain issues...I will support McCain.

The reason I speak out against Obama is because he is in a position of influence and obviously bringing people into the idea of change. However, he has done little change to be promoting such big (sometimes fantasy related) change. I do not agree on his ideas of foreign policy, healthcare, education, and economic issues dealing with taxes and under privelaged spending.

Ryan said...

I wish all voters were as educated as you-

Ryan said...

Ryan you said the following above:

"There is more at stake here than a presidential election here, Ryan, and Christians must most definitely speak the truth to save the Word."

I think God can handle this election. And if your immediate response to this is "yes, but God uses people" you're right but no one candidate embodies the Church's stance and why should they, they're aren't the Church they are part of the State; and they are governed by a different set of laws than Christians are.

Another thing you said in an earlier post:

"Also, as a Christian, I do believe in unity. But, it seems to me like you are confusing unity with support. This brings up the debate, would Jesus have supported the Roman emperors who defied God, or would Jesus have lead his people to unite together to stand up for what was right in the eye's of God?"

My response is this: Jesus didn't support any governmental establishment including the religious government of his own people (Pharisees and Saddusees) the second part of the answer depends Ryan on what you define as "standing up for" if by standing up for you mean dying a humiliating death on a cross naked and exposed and thus pointing people towards God by being a suffering servant then this is what He did, but if by "standing up" you mean leading a group and protesting against the Roman Government for immoral practices I can say that Jesus would not have done that and the gospels prove that He didn't. He didn't concern himself with that. He saw the issue as much bigger than any governmental system.

I hope this helps clarify things

OneManMajority said...

God can handle this election. But, my next response would not be that he uses people. My next response would be that humanity can only dig a hole so deep. The real question then is how deep are we going to let it go? God does indeed use people. People that are meant to fill in that hole.

I do not mean leading people to protest. I mean leading people to expand the Kingdom of God. Not decrease it.

Ryan said...

O.K- Then how would you think Jesus would've "expanded the Kingdom of God" in regards to our conversation about the Roman Government above?

Responding to your first comment:

I think humanity has and will continute to keep digging a hole until Jesus returns- God knows how deep the hole will go and He won't allow it to go any deeper than He wishes it to go. Not sure I understand your point here? I think we agree that we do have a responsiblity as people of faith to do "the will of God" but that will has been defined many ways in the Bible and by the evidence Jesus left behind. According to Jesus the Will of the father is that we belive in the one whom the father has sent and the will of God is also to care for orphans and widows...(James)

I think we should be spending a whole lot more time attending to these things (as well as just loving people) than pouring our energies into politics and election races- As far as I'm concerned lets take the Millions of dollars from all of the parties involved and the campaign races and feed the hungry (in our Nation and others) lets give out food and not drop bombs; lets give out love and stop bickering back and forth in Washington with our shirts and ties... I think that's what Jesus would command us to do- I think He's steer clear of the State to the surprise of many-

...a blog about life and faith...