Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Hamster Wheel

Once upon a time, I had a hamster. His name was Little Rascal. He was an agressive little bugger, so he wasn't the lovable pet I envisioned. I just kind of starred at him through a plastic cage for 3+ years. Good times.

If you have ever owned a hamster, you will know that they are most active at night. I remember laying in my bed at night listening to the constant squeak of his hamster wheel. Where was the WD40 when you needed it? He would go for hours. Hours of running in the same place with no end in sight. Hours of squeaking.

You have to give him credit.

Currently, my own life feels like one big hamster wheel. Teaching, grad school, church stuff, Kayley, house work, family stuff, friends, etc. My hands are in so many different things that, at times, it seems as though I am running and running with no end in sight. Just like Rascal in the wee hours of the night. What does God have in store for me? Will this feeling of being over-extended ever cease? It is in these times, unfortunately, that we tend to lose focus on God's presence in our lives. Everything else seems to come first even though we know that God always puts us first. Why can we not return that type of love and grace?

In your own lives, what have you placed in front of God and how can you work on fixing your priorities?

Take a break from that wheel ;)

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