Sunday, February 17, 2008


I read a book in two days.

If you know me, I'm sure you are standing in ovation at the previous statement. For those who do not know me, I'm not the biggest reader. Usually, my reading consists of sports magazines and anything that makes its way into the bathroom.

The book I just finished reading is called I Became a Christian and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt. The author, Vince Antonucci, is a pastor in Virginia Beach at a church called Forefront. If you haven't read it, get in your car and head to the nearest bookstore. It is that good.

I have been in a "Christian funk" since the end of this past summer. I was flying high in my faith before that, but then I got out of sync and never regained that "glow." This book changed that.

Lousy T-Shirt is innovative, refreshing, funny, and thought provoking. But, most importantly, it gets the reader motivated to truly LIVE the life of Jesus. 200 pages may not seem like much to many people, but I, the guy that never reads, burned through those pages like it was Britney Spears' diary.

I titled this blog post "Rebirth" because this book made me want to do more, be more, and love more for Jesus. As I was reading, I was constantly thinking of ways to spread God's Word. Isn't that what all books should do? When I closed the book after I read the last word, I felt disappointed. Disappointed in the fact that it was over.

If you feel burned out in your faith, pick up this book. Even if you think you are walking on the right path with God, pick up this book. It may just change your outlook for the better.



Tam said...

I will definitely be picking that one up now! I need that too! We all do from time to time! Glad you read it! Thanks for telling us about it.

Have a great week!

Cool Dad said...

We've been talking about this very thing so we'll be checking it out. Thanks for the heads-up!

Vince Antonucci: said...

hey ryan, this is vince antonucci. thank you so much for getting and reading my book, and i cannot tell you how good it is to hear how it's helped you. writing a book you sit and think and wonder, "will anyone read this? and even if they do, will it help them? is this worth it?" your post just made writing that book worth it. thank you.

OneManMajority said...

WoW! I have no idea how you found my site, but this is awesome! Thanks for the read and the comment. Your walk with Jesus was much like mine. I didn't have a similar upbringing, but Jesus found me around the same time he found you and I had/have a lot of the same experiences/thoughts as you. The book was awesome! I'll enjoy reading your blog and look forward to another book :) agape

Kate said...

Oh my did you get the AUTHOR to comment on your blog?!!??! I put Matthew Fox from "Lost" on my blog...maybe HE'LL post a comment. : )

Kate said...

OH.MY.GOOOOOSH! I just checked out HIS blog and now YOU'RE on HIS! You're famous now! Holy cow, are you blown away?!

OneManMajority said...

Too cool. That's all I can say!


Yup... you're a FAMOUS ONE, RyAn K! :-)

Hey, man... good review on a great book! Be encouraged, and press on to the Jesus life, my friend!

Blessings! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I'm with Tam on this. We'll be picking it up and digging into it.

Thanks for your honesty on this post. it is usually that kind of honesty that truly starts an amazing work of God in our lives.

I've been lurking a lot here lately and I appreciate your thoughts and I've loved the videos and pics of your little girl!

...a blog about life and faith...