Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Life is Like a...Swing?

When I was a kid, I had very few friends that lived in the same neighborhood as me. Therefore, I spent a lot of time with me (that guy was pretty sweet by the way).

One of my favorite things to do was swing on our swingset. I could do it for hours. I was a swinging fool. My Mom has said that everytime she looked outside to check on me, I would be swinging on that swing. Pumping those legs. Letting the wind blow through my awesome bowlcut. I think it usually involved talking to myself, but that was OK to do then. Right Ryan?

Anywho, when we think about analogies, isn't life a lot like that swing? Better yet, isn't our relationship with God a lot like that swing? If we just sat on the swing, and didn't move our legs, we wouldn't go anywhere. We wouldn't have much fun (unless you're an anti-swinging fool, but who likes them?). In order to move, to accomplish anything, we have to pump our legs and make an effort. The harder you pumped, the more you'd get out of it (did anyone else ever fear going completely over the swingset bar?).

How many of us just sit on the swing and expect to get somewhere without pumping our legs? Without doing the labor. Do we do this with God? Do we expect to get anywhere with him if we do not put in the effort?

On the swing, you can go fast or slow. Swing high or low. It can be a smooth ride or a bumpy one (cherry bombs anyone?). And, how many times did you jump off that swing? Risking injury with every jump (or setting the Backyard Olympic record in Swing Jumping in my case).

Sounds a lot like our daily lives doesn't it? However, in your life, do you swing the right way? Do you speed through life on a bumpy ride where you risk injury to yourselves and others while never feeling good about who or what you are in the eyes of God? Or, do you slow down, take the safe, smooth route, and appreciate the person that God made you. Imperfections and all.

Let's go swinging <><


cool mum said...

This definitely brings back some memories. I was never brave enough to jump off, but so close. Great post!

OneManMajority said...

Thanks CM! Jumping was over-rated anyways :)

Tam said...

I LOVE this post Ryan! What a great analogy!

I have nothing to say. There's nothing to add or take away. You said it so well!

Not that when I do say something it means you didn't say it well =)))...I'm just saying. Trying to make a point...You nailed a great analogy and post!!! Geeze, I'm tired!

Kate said...

I like to "swing" a little bit both ways...wait...that sounds funny...I mean in the ways you're describing in this analogy, as far as my walk with the Lord! I like to swing high, jump when its scary, take risks. That's where the blessing and growth comes from, when we risk our comfort. When we jump, even when its totally scary, knowing the Lord will catch us. Saying "yes" to him is almost always like jumping off the swing when its high in the sky! But the blessing that comes afterward, when you land on ground that is firmer than you could have imagined is well worth it!

...a blog about life and faith...