Monday, February 25, 2008

The Four Horsemen

Before clicking on the above title (which will take you to the essay Weaknesses of New Atheism by David Aikman), please read the brief commentary below...

I do not usually post other people's work, but as a Christian, I see it extremely important to "educate" the masses when it comes to those ideologies that pose a threat to the Christian way of life.

Unfortunately, in 2006 and 2007, four best-selling atheist books were published with an American audience in mind (the authors have been recognized as The Four Horsemen by David Aikman).

Those books are:

Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon by Daniel Dennett

The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins

Letter to a Christian Nation by Sam Harris

God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything by Christopher Hitchens

This growing "trend" has come to be known as "The New Atheism." However, the essay by Aikman does a great job of providing the reader with many inaccuracies and weaknesses of this so-called "New Atheist." Please read the essay provided so that we as Christians can "defend" our views without offending the non-believer.



Tam said...

I haven't read the material provided yet but, sense blogging I have met several atheist over at Friendly Christian (which isn't always so friendly so i stopped frequenting it) but, some of those atheists i met there have become good friends of mine. The relationships started out pretty darn rough. i mean, bad. But we've come to a place where we can discuss openly and honestly without attacking. In general, I really feel they think Christ Followers are brainwashed and weak...and pretty ignorant too.

When I have some time i'll peruse the material...

OneManMajority said...

I have run into the same problem. I know several people who claim to be atheist and their opinion of me is that I live in some "make believe" fantasy world and that my views on EVERY issue are distorted. I have been asked several times to have discussions with them, but frankly, why would I? I would just leave feeling like a Jesus Freak and that I'm just not intelligent enough to seek the "real" (science) truth. This is when being a Christian is difficult.

The article isn't the best thing out there, but he just calls them out on some things that atheists usually use as dagger points.

Can't we all just get along :)

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