Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Obama's Abortion Extremism

I have brought up the abortion issue several times in previous posts on this blog. If you have read for any period of time, you know my position regarding abortion.

I am unequivocally, undeniably pro-life. In other words, I support human life.

For the first time in our nation's history, we have a presidential candidate that promotes a pro-choice agenda, or as Robert George puts it, a pro-abortion agenda. Personally, I have had discussions with believers and non-believers alike that see this issue as irrelevant, unimportant, a tabled issue, and an unnecessary political burden this campaign season.

This is what our society has conditioned us to believe. Policy issues are bigger than life.

I wanted to post this article by Robert George that does an outstanding job of conveying everything I've wanted to say on this issue.

Please consider ALL options when voting this November 4th. Lives, literally, depend on the vote you cast.


Josh said...

We're all pro-life. We're all pro-choice. Everyone supports both (with the exception of serial murderers or authoritarians). It's safe to say that 99% of humanity is pro-life and pro-choice.

Nobody is pro-abortion. That's crazy talk. Only sociopaths want to see MORE abortions. People are either for or against abortion rights. It has everything to do with the belief that the mother has total control over her body until the baby is born and considered viable by a health professional and the parents.

It's interesting that many "pro-choice" individuals are also very passionate about expanding sex education to allow for teaching about contraceptives. These people rally against abstinence only programs because they believe they don't work and are leading to an unnecessary amount of teenage mothers with unwanted pregnancies. This phenomenon could be stemmed, they (heck, I might as well just say WE) believe by a smart sex education curriculum where high schoolers are taught about the effectiveness of smart contraceptive use. Sure abstinence is good to teach, but 50% of our young people are engaging in sexual intercourse. You're not getting good value for your money if you're only reaching half your audience. "Pro-Choicers" don't want to see more abortions, they want American women to have total control over their bodies and the right to terminate unwanted pregnancies in a safe way.

OneManMajority said...

I'll just give two reactions in regards to your comments.

#1 - It's a child, not a choice.

#2 - "the right to terminate unwanted pregnancies in a safe way." I cannot even begin to comment on how disturbing that statement is.

Ryan said...

This debate crosses into the realm of legislation and morality. It is very possible for someone to oppose abortion and be pro-choice.

And your comment about pro-choice =pro abortion is a giant leap that skips many many years of debate and healthy dialog about this controversial issue that has Christians on either side of the debate

And for the record; so I don't get smeared like is common place on your blog, I don't think abortion is right but I don't think it's necessarily right to take away someone's right to choose. It's just a tough issue for me at this point-

Sometimes your comments are just way too simple and one sided

OneManMajority said...


This is NOT an issue of legalism and morality. This is an issue of morality and individual rights. Our American society has made this an issue of legalism.

Your stance concerns me as a Christian, Ryan. Increasingly, I am seeing our own generation, speaking specifically on the Church, side with societal tendancies rather than morality. It pains me to think that people, Christians included, have justified abortion because it is a choice...a right. Whose right Ryan? The woman's or the child's? Why is one more valued than the other. All life is equal in the eyes of God.

1.4 million abortions PER YEAR. Imagine that number if we elect a pro-choice president who has a hideous track record on allowing such ideology. 98% of abortions are done because of personal choice.

You speak a lot, on your own blog, about human rights, human injustices, etc. This issue alone, is the biggest infringement on human rights in the history of life. Abortion is currently the greatest cause of death in the world. Not heart disease. Not cancer. Abortion.

If we continue to sway toward the mindset as you you have presented. If we continue to believe that a child is a choice. If we continue to believe that abortion is justified murder.

There's no telling where we will go.

Brother, I pray for your heart on this issue.

Ryan said...


Thank you sincerely for "praying for my heart" on this issue. I did like your video you posted today 10/20, it does bring to the table important issues of faith, family life etc.

You started out the post responding to me by saying that the issues is not about "legalism and morality." Just wanted to point out that I didn't say it was about legalism and morality, I said it was about legislation and morality.

I am for life; all life; and that includes all issues that surround the issues of life. I'm not sure of a person that is not for "life" issues. You bring up great points about abortion, some that I don't have solid answers for and I'm willing to admit that. But, I think issues of morality and life needn't interfere with an individuals rights as a human being. I oppose abortion in almost all instances and I differ with Barak Obama on this issue. For the record, I didn't like his response on Rick Warren's Forum. I think he was playing politician in a huge way.

I can honestly and sincerely say that right now my conscious and heart is fine with saying that I believe human life begins at conception and is designed by God, but I oppose an across the board mandate that does not allow women to have a choice about their own bodies and health; and remember, I am not for abortion, I oppose it and would oppose it and advise anyone against it. But I don't think our legislative system can do that to someone- And also for the record, this is NOT the only life issue at stake in this election- I think the war machine needs to be shut down, health care needs to be affordable and the poor need to be taken care of; those are life issues as well-

I appreciate the dialog-

OneManMajority said...

I guess it goes back to a question I posed in my response to your comment:

Who made abortion a right? A choice? Who decided when that right/choice was permittable to end the life of a human being?

I'm guessing you are against murder right? I think we could both agree that murder is wrong and against the law. I'm guessing that we both agree, in cases like the Scott Peterson trial, that people who murder pregnant women should be tried for double murder?

But how, morally and faithfully, can you then justify a woman's right to chose the murder of a life? How is that a choice made with good conscience? It's the extinction of potential?

I'm sorry, but the law doesn't (in my book anyway, and I'm guessing God's) define what life is and how much life is worth. I'm sorry you feel this way in regards to abortion.

Ryan, we all understand war. It is a neccessary evil, in a fallen world, to defend and protect human rights. Has it always been used in the right way? No. But it has been used for a great many causes. I agree about healthcare and the poor, but I believe that I should be able to help the causes I want to help. Not the government. As an example, Obama is going to use our tax money to fund abortion clinics. I feel dirty already.

Ryan said...

I feel dirty that my tax money is used for the war in Iraq; I felt dirty when they dropped those bombs that my money bought in their shock and awe campaign; how is that any different than killing unborn babies? And if you say there is a difference be careful because you putting a value on certain people's lives and therefore not following your own statement that you said below:

"I'm sorry, but the law doesn't (in my book anyway, and I'm guessing God's) define what life is and how much life is worth. I'm sorry you feel this way in regards to abortion."

OneManMajority said...


I gave you my response to war in my last comment. Objectionally, I do believe there is a difference.

Do I like war? No. It's not like I go around promoting global warfare. However, in the world that we live in, where evil and good constantly battle, war is a neccessary evil. It has given you and I the freedoms and liberties that we enjoy today.

Abortion is not a neccessary evil.

That simple.

I know that your ultimate view of the world is a utopia. I admire that. But, I'm also a realist. Utopia is Heaven my friend. Not earth. You can disagree with the war, but to deny its implications is deplorable. I know several Marines who have done several VOLUNTARY missions to Iraq and Afghanistan. The stories of the Iraqi hope and gratitude is awe inspiring. We hear 1/10 of the good that has come out of this war, but all people can think about is "bombing civilians" and "shock and awe"?

I wish you could spend a week there. I think your views would change. But, we're stuck here in our middle-class lives debating about whether a war is saving lives or murdering them. Pretty nice huh?

The lives that we will save by having been in Iraq is invaluable.

During six years of the Iraq War, over 100,000 coalition soldiers and civilians have died. In that same time, 8,400,000 babies have been aborted.

Where are our priorities?

...a blog about life and faith...