Thursday, October 23, 2008

Halloween/Election 2008

Truth is found in the simplest things...


Daniel J. Carrington said...

Ok...THAT'S funny!!

Josh said...


To quote a prominent politician, "It's not that he doesn't care, it's that he doesn't know."

That's outstanding ignorance if you think this represents any "truth" about the tax code, welfare, or poverty in this country.

OneManMajority said...

"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crises. The great point is to bring them the real facts."

Abraham Lincoln

Josh, you and other rhetoric lovers, have ignored those real facts. You, and other rhetoric lovers, are oblivious to past records and policy beliefs. You, and other rhetoric lovers, actually believe that Barack Obama is capable of doing something progressive and beneficial for society.

I need to start up a small business and try to sell you something. Gold mine.

Josh said...

Poor people aren't poor because they're lazy.

Taxes aren't simply a redistribution of wealth from productive sectors of society to lazy and stupid ones.

Anonymous said...

Ryan!! You hit the nail on the head with this one!! STAND STRONG!! You are in the RIGHT; and RIGHT eventually prevails over evil!!

Josh said...

Really everyone?

Do the readers of this blog truly think taxes steal from the rich and give to the poor? You all actually think the poor are just dirty and lazy, that their laziness is the principal deficiency of our social and economic system?

Let's all breathe deep. Ryan's not being oppressed. He's not standing strong and valiant in the face of overwhelming, threatening "evil". He's sharing his political beliefs on a (largely anonymous) blog on the internet. I voice legitimate opposition to some of his views and now I'm an oppressive and evil voice to be destroyed by our courageous conservative crusaders.

You can't actually equate either candidates tax policy with "evil". That's absurd. Hitler was evil. Genocide is evil. Torture is evil. Tax policy? C'mon people...

We can disagree on policy, but seriously, "evil"?

Powell spoke pretty eloquently on what taxes actually are. The MSNBC interview is great to watch, least of all for a reasonable definition of what taxation is.

Here's McCain himself supporting a progressive tax. It's from 2000, but yes he still believes in it.

OneManMajority said...


We understand the tax policy. Your candidate does not.

We understand that decreasing taxes will increase revenue. Your candidate does not.

We understand that a redistribution of wealth is a form of socialism and sticks it to the hard working Americans that have gained success in this country. Your candidate does not.

We understand that 40% of this country does not pay federal income tax. Your candidate does not and wants to send them a portion of what I pay as a "tax refund."

We understand that a redistribution of wealth creates class warfare and and bigger handout of government welfare. Your candidate does not.

We understand that taxing small businesses will hurt pay, employment, and revenue. Your candidate does not.

We understand that it is impossible for someone to call for a 95% tax cut for Americans and then propose 1.3 trillion in spending. Your candidate does not.

We understand that less government control and more power to individualism stimulates the economy. Your candidate does not.

We understand why increasing capital gains taxes, corporate taxes, social security taxes, death taxes, and personal income taxes is wrong for job creation and economic growth. Your candidate does not.

We understand why he voted to increase taxes on single income earners making over 42,000 and families making 83,000 or more. Your candidate does not.

We understand that your pal Krugman shows that Obama's $250,000 proposal is off by over 70,000 dollars (182,000). Your candidate does not.

We understand that he wants to control, mandate, and set regulations on government healthcare, education, pensions, and other fiscal responsibilities. Your candidate does not.

Maybe you should put down your New York Times and that Washington Post. Maybe you should click off the Huffington Blog.

Maybe, just maybe, you should realize why more of our enemies support Barack Obama than do Americans.

Maybe, just maybe, you'll see his lack of judgment and inexperience when it comes to foereign policy and economic issues.

Maybe, just maybe, you'll see his inability to reach across the aisle and get significant things accomplished.

Maybe, just maybe, you'll see that we cannot afford an Obama presidency. Not in this world. Not at this time. Not ever.

Josh, you may believe strongly in words and rhetoric and empty promises that we both know will never be included in the agenda, but the American people are growing more skeptical of those "valuable" words.

I'm not voting for myself, I'm voting for my daughter.

An "Obama America" is not a place that will give my daughter the best chance at success. It would teach her that "just OK" is good enough and that the government owes you every right under the sun. That every entitlement is yours for the taking. It will teacher her that handouts are a given and that hardwork is trumped by government interaction. She deserves a media that gives her balanced news and doesn't pick her issues and her candidates for her.

My daughter deserves better. America deserves better.

OneManMajority said...


We never said that regarding the rich and poor. Your candidate sure has though.

YOU need to take a deep breath and realize that this was a political cartoon and that we understand the difference between tax policies.

However, we just believe in the one that doesn't screw everyone over by providing a tax relief that the government judges to be fair.

Nothing needs to be redistributed. No taxes need to be increased. Government doesn't need to grow.

Let's keep the Constitution intact please...

Ryan said...

SBL and Ryan- this is getting weird. I think we're confused about what real evil and real courage is...lets stay civilized...

And Josh, you aren't evil for having an opinion and landing on the opposite side of some issues that this blog brings up.

OneManMajority said...

Ryan -

This was a cartoon.

No one is confused about what evil is. Evil encompasses a lot of things, but neither of us has the right to put a strict definition on what that is. I'm sure that there are many people who could consider the effects of increased taxes nad more government intervention as evil. Who are we to say otherwise?

This is a discussion of differences, please do not try to police the situation by putting words and accusations in people's mouths.

Thank You.

Ryan said...

And the pot called the teakettle black...

OneManMajority said...



You come on here and accuse my bloggers and myself as calling someone evil. I may disagree, but that doesn't make one evil.

Then you ask us to be civilized because we are discussing and issue in which you disagree on?

My comments are never degrading to anyone. I haven't said anything that you wouldn't hear in a high school debate class. I disagree about positions. Not about people.

Maybe you should read your own blog entry again.

Come on man, let's not pretend to be Mr. Peacemaker.

...a blog about life and faith...