Sunday, October 26, 2008


A blogger friend recently brought up the discussion of entitlements and I thought I would share it over here.

In the second presidential debate, the question was asked: "Is healthcare a right, a privilege, or a responsibility?" Now, I'm just using healthcare as a lone example, but this discussion can encompass many issues.

Is "X" really a RIGHT? Where does that RIGHT come from? Is "X" not a product of community?

During this political race, there has been a very prevalent theme that stands out to me. The American Dream, and how we all have the right to live it. Of course, it then comes down to which candidate is going to most appropriately help us achieve that American dream. What is this American dream? As i think about it, it seems to be a dream that is very wants based…and rights based.

So, I keep thinking. Are we voting for a President that will be most capable of giving us the American dream? Should we be voting this way? I believe that so many of us are incapable of making decisions that are best for us and what we need. It is no longer about what we need, it is about what we want or are entitled to. That scares me. When I read scripture, it seems to tell me a different story. it speaks of humility and surrender. It speaks of being slaves to God alone. As I understand the power of Jesus and the cross, I understand that I’m not given what I want. I am given what I need. Do we truly realize, as Americans, we are no more entitled to life and liberty that anyone else in this world. But, we seem to live as if we are. And wrapped up in this life and liberty seems to be cars…homes…health care…Fewer taxes. This is what we live for and vote for?

So where does the American dream fall in a faith walk with Jesus? Well, I don’t believe it even exists. Except that we have much and so, to us, much is required. We are so inward focused. Health care is a right? A job is where we find our dignity? Owning a home is the American dream? It would sure be interesting to see who America would become if we held truly our wealth with great responsibility. If we found our dignity and rights, not in things, but in our God.

I think we need to become more “needy”, and less “wanty”.

And for reality humor:

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