Friday, May 2, 2008

What's On Your Mind?

It's Friday. It's almost summer. What could be better (besides it actually being summer)?

I wanted to know what was on your mind? Do you have a topic to discuss? Do you want to leave a random comment? Do you have a question? Do you want to get something off your chest? Do you want to click the "X" and exit my blog?

Please use the comment as a dialogue area for this post.

Happy weekend!


Unknown said...

I have a question. Do you think I am a total slacker?

I really am working on that post for you Ryan =)

I have something I need to get off my chest....I love the show Dexter! Do you watch it?

OneManMajority said...

Slacker? do all those YouTube shorts ;)

Never seen Dexter. I've seen it advertised though. I watch a lot of sports, LOST, Scrubs, The Office, Dancing with the Stars, you know...the useless stuff :)

...a blog about life and faith...