Sunday, May 18, 2008

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Weaver

Yesterday, two of my best friends got married. The wedding ceremony was beautiful, the reception was a blast, and it reminded me of what friendship and love are all about. Here are some pictures from the evening:

Andrew and Kristen came back into my life about a year ago (I say back because I went to high school with the both of them, but never really knew them), and it has been the start of a really cool friendship ever since that time. For one reason or another, I have had bad luck with friendships. Friends moved away, fair-weather friends, friends that had a negative influence on my life, and friendships that just didn't work out. For the first time, I honestly feel like I have true friends. Friends that will be there for us. Friends that have our back. Two of their friends, Dustin and Steph, have also become good friends of ours. It has just been a really cool experience over the past year.

Megan and I are stoked to have these guys as friends and we are both extremely excited at the thought of the good times to come!

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