Saturday, May 3, 2008

Kayley Update...Almost 5 Months!

Next week, Kayley will be 5 months old. I know, hard to believe right? Kayley has shown a lot of growing over the past month (to say the least). Our little girl that was so tiny at birth is now in the 95th percentile in weight and 75th percentile in height. Here are a few of the highlights we have seen:

She seems to understand her name; she recognizes her toys, bottle, pacifier, surroundings and family a lot better; she is very curious and aware of what is going on around her; she loves being outside for anything; her hand-eye coordination improves by the day; she rolls over (often); she absolutely LOVES to stand on your lap; she loves music and dancing; she is eating rice cereal, bananas, applesauce, and avocados; she loves her Baby Einstein videos; she no longer just looks at our faces, but she grabs noses, lips, and hair; she laughs when we smile and play with her; she wants to grab the pages when we read her a story; she wants what we have; she likes to "pet" Lincoln (Lincoln isn't to fond of this advancement); she loves to snuggle with us in our bed in the mornings; she plays in her exersaucer and sits in her Bumbo for feedings; she is bashful and shows excitement.

Here she is after learning her new trick. She has been rolling over since right around the 4 month mark. Both of her parents started walking around 9 months, so hopefully it's in her genes!

Here she is after showing those bananas who's boss.


Unknown said...

isn't it amazing how hast they learn? How naturally it all comes? It blows my mind!

How absolutely amazing life is!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THIS LITTLE GIRL! She is soooooooo adorable!! I cannot imagine how she got so big -- her MOTHER was a PEANUT -- I have been told that her FATHER was a BIG BABY BOY so it must be the KUMPF side of the family genes!! Hugs and Kisses! Aunt Sue

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