Thursday, May 29, 2008


This is a piece from NBC Nightly News regarding a marine unit in Afghanistan that really hits home on a personal level. Megan's cousin, RJ, is currently embedded in Afghanistan fighting the good fight and trying to bring a peaceful stability to that region of the world.

Because of the nature of his mission, we really haven't heard much information about his activity. Watching this video really puts things into perspective. The same guy that I played church league basketball with a few years ago is now, literally, being shot at. It is hard to comprehend that the Taliban in this video are trying to kill that same guy we know. And here we sit, as a nation in disarray, arguing about our role in the War on Terror. And there they are, thousands of miles away...being shot people like us have the freedom and security to argue? I'm reminded of an Andrew Jackson quote, "Peace, above all things, is to be desired, but blood must sometimes be spilled to obtain it on equable and lasting terms." This country is flipped upside down and our own entitlements have hindered our progress.

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