Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Serving people in Canton with Jesus' love by joining people and organizations who are already doing it.

Reinventing the wheel wastes a lot of time, money, and effort. Instead of creating new environments to serve, we want to hook up people that want to serve with great people and organizations who are already doing it.

Love Canton is led by people who believe that Jesus has a love for all people that surpasses knowledge and transforms lives. We understand that many people are unsure about God, unfamiliar with the church in action, and uncomfortable talking about Jesus. We respect that and at the same time we hope that our serving will spark relationships that help us all experience in a very tangible way Jesus Christ who "is Love".

This is the mission statement for LoveCanton, a new movement that Megan and I are looking forward to being involved in this summer and beyond. Canton is in a bad spot right now and really needs to see and hear the love of God. When it comes to Christianity and its message, it really comes down to one thing; live and love like Jesus. What are you doing to expand the Kingdom? Please click on the post title to be redirected to the LoveCanton website.

This is our pastor and friend, Jason, describing and praying for this new opportunity.

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