Saturday, March 15, 2008


Sorry readers! It has been a busy week :(

Which leads me to my next post...

I live for the weekends. Not necessarily because we do a lot during those precious two days, but because the weekends are associated with REST. This past Thursday night, I led our small group through several key themes from a book that I finished reading a few weeks ago. Those themes were: Identity, Interruptions and Intensity; and how they affect our Christian living.

Throughout the Bible, God shows us the importance of rest. On the Seventh Day of creating life, God himself rested. One of the Ten Commandments to Moses was to rest on the Sabbath. And, the ultimate gift of rest, was the sending of His Son, Jesus Christ. Think about it. It was the ultimate trade. Put our faith in Jesus, and He will take away all our junk. Our dirt. Our burdens. In essence, He will give us REST.

In life, we tend to go a million mph. Our lives tend to be like a skipping stone. Traveling a short distance fast, but only touching down for a brief moment to focus on our priorities.

Let's make Jesus a priority and let Him do the rest.


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