Thursday, July 3, 2008

Peas, Fireworks, and Sleep Positions

Kayley is at the age (7 months on 7/8) where we are introducing many new fruits and veggies to her ever growing menu. So far she has tried and liked: bananas (her favorite), pears, apples, squash, rice cereal, oatmeal and blueberries, oatmeal and bananas, avocados, apple juice, peaches, and peas. There really hasn't been any one food that she has not liked. Which is good! The peas have been funny to watch. It must be because of the texture, but she always has a silly look on her face at first. After the initial taste, she's all about them...

What is this horrible excuse for food!

Hmmm...not bad, not bad.

Peas are delicious!


After my softball game, Meg and I took Kayley to her first firework show at the McKinley Monument. We went over to Mark and Linda's (our friend Kristen's parents) who live a couple of blocks away from Monument Park. Kayley was so excited to be outside (and awake) when it was dark out. She was laughing and really observant of all the people and sounds around her. It took a couple of firework bursts, but they eventually caught her eye. It was fun watching her get attracted to the colors in the sky. After fireworks, we all went to Taggarts for some ice cream. Kayley was pooped after a long day and night. But it was fun!

Kayley hasn't used her sleep positioner for well over a month now. Ever since she has been able to roll over, she has become a stomach sleeper (like her Daddy). For awhile, she just kind of sprawled out in her crib any which way. Now, she sleeps in the "bottoms-up" position. Every time we sneak a peek of her sleeping, it's hard not to snap a picture of her. She is just too dang cute. I may be a little bias though :)

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