Saturday, July 26, 2008

Holy Hail

This evening, at about 5:30 p.m., a small thunderstorm passed through the neighborhood. It lasted all of about 10-15 minutes, but it really made a dent in things.


Hail, the sizes ranged from marble size to bigger than golf balls, targeted our car parked outside on the driveway. After the storm blew through, we were left with a car that had around one-hundred dents in it (Nationwide will be getting a call Monday morning!). Luckily , from what I could see, it spared our house/siding/roof/windows. I have never seen hail that big before. Even though it stunk watching our car get pelted, it was an amazing sight to witness.

Here are some pictures we took shortly afterwards:

1 comment:

Carrie Babcock said...

We got hit really bad too. Check out my blog to see a video that Adam took during the storm.

...a blog about life and faith...