Friday, November 9, 2007

Iraq...a glimmer of hope

What an awesome picture and a testament to the determination of the Iraqi people. These people want to succeed. They want to thrive. They want freedom.

We have a purpose there. Like it or not.

A great political/military mind once made the statement that at any one time throughout human history (and into the future), ONE region or country has been/is incharge of "policing" the world. Unfortunately and fortunately, that happens to be the United States of America. Unfortunately because we get our pride/image/name dragged through the mud when no one else is willing to step in (AND)fortunately because what we have done has made lasting impressions around the world. If you did a little research, it is amazing to see what the U.S. has brought, prevented, contained, and innovated within the past 100 years alone.

That picture above is everything I want the world to be.

Some people may think taking God out of the equation is a cure-all, but in may be the single, most-dangerous idea mankind has ever created.

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