Sunday, November 16, 2008

God's Greatest Work

Over His lifetime and beyond, Jesus Christ accomplished many great feats. When we read the Word, we are inundated with stories of miracles, hope and grace.

But through all of those acts of Passion by Jesus, which feat was greatest of all of them? Which miracle was the most miraculous? What deed gave the most hope? What sacrifice showed the most grace?

Was it Jesus curing the blind man? Cleansing the lepor? Giving someone the ability to walk that could not walk before?

No. It wasn't that.

Was it Jesus walking on water? His relationship with God the Father? His love for His Disciples?

No. It wasn't that.

Was it Jesus denying temptation? Turning water into wine? Feeding many with few?

No. It wasn't that.

Was it Jesus proclaiming His faith? Being beaten for a Love so deep? Hanging in agony as He questioned His God? Being crucified for the sins of this world? Raising from the dead? Offering eternal life through Him?


Not even close.

The greatest work of God was Him putting His hand on a 22 year old man in Canton, Ohio and changing his life. For at that moment, God truly allowed him to live for something greater than himself. And with that, a promise to dwell in His house forever.


Joshua said...

Can you explain what you mean a little more? I think I'm missing some of the symbolism. You don't mean that God's offer of salvation to you was better than God's offer of salvation to the rest of mankind. Are you saying that God's offer of salvation was the best thing in your life? Or are you saying that God's offer of salvation to Ryan Kumpf is the best thing that God ever did?

OneManMajority said...


For each individual, God's gift of Salvation is His greatest work. Obviously, my name is replaceable.

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