Friday, August 8, 2008

Vacation With Barack: Part 3

Part 3: Ties and Relationships

Barack Obama, like many other politicians, have made alliances/friendships/deals with people that the average person would ask, "Why?"

Barack Obama, running for the highest office in the country, is not out from under the microscope. We have to seriously look at who Obama has surrounded himself with. Who have been his influences? Who does he associate with? Who has formed his world view? Would these flaws in character hinder his ability to govern rightly?

All are viable questions. All need answers.

In this section, I am not calling Obama anything other than a politician. Not a criminal. Not a terrorist. Not a Muslim. Not a Communist. Not a racist. Not anything other than a liberal Democrat. The world will not end if he is elected president. America will not be taken over by any outsiders. But for four years (hopefully that does not happen or that is it), our country will be suckered into a country that cares less about its people and more about its political agenda. This simply exposes the character of the people Barack Obama has decided to surround himself with.

His friendship and support from William Ayers, co-founder of the violent and radical Weatherman group responsible for bombing the Pentagon and police stations, is only the beginning of questionable relationships. Obama was endorsed by and associated with the Marxist "New Party" group in Chicago and other Socialist groups. A childhood mentor and friend Frank Marshall Davis was a member of the Communist Party USA.

Some interesting members of Obama's campaign:

Cornell West - a "non-Marxist socialist"
Robert Malley - dismissed because he had met with Hamas
Jodie Evans - co-founder of Code Pink
Alice Palmer - sat in on the 27th Congress of the Communist Party and applied some socialist aspects in her own politics.

Then there is Tony Rezko and other Chicago developers. Rezko, a longtime family friend, was convicted on 16 counts of fraud, money laundering, and aiding and abetting bribery. He is a supporter and donor ($250,000 thus far) of Barack Obama. Obama was financed largely by Rezko and other developers during his career. Mr. Obama would write letters to get them government money and supported legislation that helped their businesses. Even with the LONG paper trail, Obama rationalizes this as a coincidence. Rezko and other developers were cut in on millions of taxpayer funds, only to cash out and leave the tenants in the slums (Rezko's 30 buildings have run into financial problems, 17 foreclosed and 6 were boarded up or abandoned).

When it comes to faith, Obama has also made questionable relationships. Most notably; Reverend Wright and Michael Pfleger. Obama's church, Trinity United Church of Christ, has the following vision statement: "The vision statement of Trinity United Church of Christ is based upon the systematized liberation theology that started in 1969 with the publication of Dr. James Cone's seminal books, Black Power and Black Theology. To sit through weekend sermons for 20 years and be oblivious to the racial tones of the messages is intellectually dishonest.

Finally, just a little family inclusion along the way. Michelle Obama's salary went from $121,910 to $316,962 the year Barack was sworn in and earmarked funds for the hospital.

(Info: Freddoso, 2008)

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