Friday, August 29, 2008

An Overall Theme

Sorry for the lack of posts. This past week was our first week of school. I have 118 students this year and have decided to coach cross country, along with track, adding about 200 to the list of kids I have direct content with. Teaching is an exhausting profession, but somebody has to do it :)

The DNC was somewhat disappointing. The theatrical displays were above par, but the content of the speeches were filled with liberal cliches, the same old Obama biography, and little content. Remember how important the Iraq War was for Democrats a few months ago? Where did that chatter go? Also, what was Obama so angry about? His speech lacked the inspiration he has been brewing during the campaign. For the first time this political season, I think we are seeing a very timid Obama. An Obama that senses he might just lose.

Anyways, this YouTube video from Hannity and Colmes (a great show that showcases both parties) sums up a typical Barack Obama supporter when it comes to providing evidence of Obama's accomplishments. This particular answer comes from a FORMER PRESIDENTIAL Candidate, but the theme was consistent throughout interviews during the DNC.


Josh said...

"Hannity and Colmes (a great show that showcases both parties)"

Hahaha, thanks for the laughs.

OneManMajority said...

Yep, no problem.

You should watch it sometime! Maybe you'd learn something about politics :)

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