Saturday, August 23, 2008

Obama's VP: Joe Biden?

The candidate of change went with the status quo.

I have to admit...Obama selecting Senator Joe Biden (Delaware) was not what I was expecting. In fact, I think this splits the Democratic Party (especially with Clinton supporters) even more and pushes more votes to third party candidates and John McCain. In the three presidential state primaries that Biden ran in for 2008, he received only 9,000 votes. Even though Biden has foreign policy experience and has trouble keeping his mouth shut, this is the man who will help bring HOPE and CHANGE to the political landscape in Washington? Does Joe Biden even know what the word CHANGE means?

His political career doesn't express that...

Basically, we have added another "Obama-like" politician to the ticket. A politician that lacks bipartisan experience, sticks to the liberal party agenda, CONTINUALLY votes to increase TAXES on just about every front, supports universal healthcare, and has a (typical) skewed view of how to balance the economy among other follies.
If people, still, are enthralled with the idea that Barack Obama stands for political CHANGE...Joe Biden is the last straw that breaks that camel's back. After all, Biden is anything but a change agent, having been in office longer than half of all Americans have been alive. Longer than McCain.


Joshua said...

I don't get it: Obama has been in Washington for a short time, that's bad. McCain has been in Washington for a long time, and that's great. Biden has been in Washington longer, and that's bad. So basically in order for your Washington career to be a plus for your candidacy, you have to have been in Washington for exactly the same amount of time as John McCain?

OneManMajority said...


It's not the years that count in Washington. It's what you have DONE in Washington. Obama and Biden's total "accomplishments" do not even add up to that of John McCain's.

Both Obama and, now, Biden have never been known for bipartisanship (except the 1994 crime bill for Biden and the Accountability Act for Obama), have never been agents of change or reform, and lack the political experience to lead this country. Both have ALWAYS supported tax increases, universal healthcare, and have had shotty records when dealing with economic issues. Besides Biden's foreign policy "experience," This is still a weak ticket that will benefit the GOP.

And above all Joshua, I want lower taxes, less government, more local control, less spending, greater accountability for tax dollars, a strong national defense, and less government regulation. But above all, I want a government who respects life—mine, yours, and that of people I don’t know and even those I don’t like. A government that decides that an unborn baby isn’t worth anything may one day decide that about me. Or you.

Joshua said...

Lower taxes: For whom? McCain's tax plan heavily favors the rich (of which he is company). Obama's plan favors people like you. If you want your taxes to be lowered, you should probably think about Obama. If you want McCain's taxes to be lowered, then go with McCain.

Less Government: Have the Republicans done anything to reduce the size of government? Or did we reduce the size of government, and go from a balanced budget to a mulit-trillion dollar federal trade deficit while shrinking the size of the government?

Less spending: Clinton balanced the budget. He cleared out a multi-trillion dollar trade deficit and balanced the national budget. Then the Republicans took over and now we have a multi-trillion dollar trade deficit again. They talk a lot about small government, but why do they keep spending more than we earn?

Greater accountability for tax dollars: 25% of big corporations doing business in America the past 8 years paid a grand total of zero dollars in federal income tax. John McCain wants to lower the corporate income tax. What accountability?

A strong national defense: I might argue that waging two wars with non-nation terrorist organizations has in fact weakened our national defense to the point where we can do nothing when our allies are out right attacked and their countries invaded. (Georgia.)

Less Government Regulation and More Local Control: How has NCLB reduced government regulation or given more local control? You as an educator can certainly see the disastrous effects of this plan. McCain doesn't only want to keep it up, he wants to reduce it's funding. And most people argue that the biggest problem with NCLB is that it is grossly under-funded. McCain would actually make NCLB more restrictive, and more punitive. I don't see that providing more local control.

My point is that I have been a Republican my whole life for the very reasons you mentioned. But I finally came to terms with the fact that the Republican party is not living up to it's own ideals. I'm voting for Obama because I actually think he's going to accomplish all the things you said are important to you.

The only issue you raised that I think gives McCain the edge is your view on abortion. It seems as though this is a very important issue for you, and that's great. But unless it's the only reason you're voting for McCain (and that's fine if it is) I think there are actually more reasons to vote for Obama.

Don't take my word for it, check it out. Go to to see how McCain has been intentionally distorting Obama's tax plan. And, check out how Obama has been misrepresenting some of McCain's issues as well.

OneManMajority said...


I'm sorry, but have you even researched your candidate? Do you really know him? What he stands for? WWhat he has supported? From your response, it seems that you have fallen victim to Obama Nation.

Taxes: Barack Obama tells people that HE WILL RAISE TAXES for a reason. Beginning very early in his career (1996), Obama hasn't found a tax increase that he hasn't liked. Obama supported a tax increase legislation, very recently, that would increase the taxes on people making above 32,500. Now I'm not sure how much money you make, but that IS me. He voted to raise the income tax ratio from 25%-28%, again, that AFFECTS ME. He also voted to increase capital gains taxes from 15% to 20-28%. In Congress, Obama has been a vocal supporter of returning the tax levels to that of 2000. If that happened, it would be the highest increase in individual taxes. He supports the death tax and also welcomes the return of social security money, with a 1.23% net gain for the government, from families of the deceased. Obama's own answer to his tax plan question at the Rick Warren forum was comical. He first said that being rich was making over 150,000, then it was poor, then it was making over 250,000. His Healthcare system is actually supported by a tax on small businesses that cannot afford to provide health insurance for their employees. That affects the backbone of this country and members of my immediate family. Barack Obama's tax plan, that you reference, has been called a economic disaster by his own hometown newspaper, the Chicago Tribune. The numbers just, simply, do not add uP.

Less Government: John McCain has been an AVID AGAINST tax increases and the Bush spending policy. He has been in staunch opposition against his own party for over 8 years on this subject. And, if we need this in simplier terms, one guy says he will tax you and the other doesn't. It was just reported by a leading economic institute that Barack Obama's "Blueprint For Success" would add 23 trillion dollars to our deficit. If you look at his own website, he uses a lot of terminology like "I want to double..." "I want to triple..." "I want to increase..." That money has to come from somewhere. That money has to come from me.

National Defense: Obama's negotiation tactics with the likes of Iran and other rogue nations will just flat out not work. The Bush Administration, although hardly ever reported by our media, has made significant sanctions against such nations. When the president of Iran thinks that he is the accelerator of the End of Times Theology, we have a problem with communication. You may think that these two wars are occupations, but you'll probably be the same person that is championing for revenge when something happens on our soil again. And it will because of countries that continue to support and harbor terrorists like Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan. Rough men fight in distant places so that we may sleep comfortably in our beds.
Oh and, Obama's response to the Georgia issue showed a lack of judgement and responsibility as Commander in Chief.

McCain is 100% right on NCLB. And yes, I am a teacher. It was a horrible piece of legislation that hinders education and makes me teach to a test rather than teach to the student. The government should stay out of education. McCain wants to rework NCLB so that it is design and adopted by each individual state. It's obvious that anytime the government intervenes, it has bad consequences. I support him on education. Competition betweens schools can raise achievement.

Yes, abortion is important to me. It should for anyone that values life. Barack Obama was the only Senator to oppose the federal Born Alive Act that would require medical attention to aborted babies that survived the abortion. Any man with morals and values and solid judgement that supports the death of innocent babies and calls the decision "above his pay grade" is a man that I could never support. Abortion is the LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH in the U.S and the biggest infringement of individual rights in our history. Roe v Wade may never be revoked, but a Pro-life president and administration can make strides to reduce the numbers...not allow more choice and devalue life of the unborn.

Don't take my word for it Joshua. Check it out. Look at his record. Look at his judgement. Look at his liberal agenda that has been shown by his legislation decisions and the issues that he continually supports. This information is out there, but Obama supporters just can't seem to find it. Ironic?

Joshua said...

Sorry Ryan, but your numbers were skewed by a barrage of false ads put out by the McCain campaign. Numerous independent organizations have been asking him to stop running the patently false advertisements, but he insists on lying to people like you because it results in you liking Obama less.

Let's talk about the truth: McCain is now telling people that Obama wants to tax people making more than 42,000. (It was 32,000 but he finally stopped citing that false number.) But that tax increase would only apply to single people, and the increase would total $15 a year. But it would not affect you unless you file seperately from your wife. For a family of three to be affected by the increase, you would have to make at least $90,000. A single mother would have to make $62,000 before meeting the increase. The Income tax hikes, capital gains hikes, and taxes on dividends that you mentioned only apply to families making over $250,000 a year, and single filers who make over $200,000. Everyone making under $150,000 gets a $1,000 tax cut with Obama. The fact is John McCain has been deliberately distorting Obama's tax plan since the beginning. Much of what he says is an outright lie regarding the tax plan, and it seems as though you bought it.

McCain also ran an ad in spanish claiming that Obama's plan would tax families making over $42,000 a year. This is simply false. Again, that tax increase of $15 year only applies to people filing as single with no dependents. McCain refuses to correct himself.

Regarding the small business owners, only the most affluent small business owners would see an increase. The vast majority of small business owners would get a tax cut with Obama. With McCain, the vast majority would keep paying what they pay, and the most affluent would pay less.

The money your talking about that Obama has to raise to support things like health care reform come from the elite wealthy class of America which right now is grossly under taxed. It would also come from a cessation of war activity in Iraq, which the Iraqi government is outright demanding. This alone would save trillions.

McCain refuses to accept the soveriegn government of Iraq's demands for a time table because it would mean saying that Bush is wrong. He supports a "Time horizon" but not a "Time Table." Come on.

McCain's tax plan on the other hand is heavily favorable toward those making over 250,000. Classic trickle down economics that have brought our economy to its knees under Bush. McCain says surprisingly little about his own tax plan, lies about the opponent's, and insinuates untruths about his own energy plan. (That's why he included a shot of windmills in his energy ad even though his energy plan has almost no money directed toward wind development.)

Maybe McCain and doesn't want to talk much about his tax plan because it gives big oil a 10% drop in corporate taxes, and a tax credit of 10% on wages. These alone would total just over 3.8 billion extra dollars for the five big oil companies, a small return on the $1.3 million dollars they gave the McCain campaign. And that's just how his plan would benefit big oil, the same benefit would go out to all the elite wealthy businesses in America, but it wouldn't make it's way to companies making less than $250,000. Those folks would keep paying the same taxes they pay now. With Obama, they'll get an extra $1,000.

I'm surprised you brought up Obama's figures regarding the definition of rich, because both 150K and 250K are well under McCain's astonishing figure of five million.

I'm sorry, I know we will never agree on this stuff, I just wanted to make sure you knew the truth about the different tax plans, because it is widely understood that McCain's been outright lying about it for a while now. Check it out. Newsweek, CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, The Associated Press, The Urban Brookings Tax Policy Center, dozens of local newspapers,, the IRS, and dozens of independent news organization are trying to get the truth out there about the tax plans, but McCain keeps telling the same lies.

OneManMajority said...


I never pay attention to commercial ads. Both sides stretch the truth.

However, Obama supporters are amazing to me. The information for all of the figures that I presented are true and researchable...but yet people continue to deny it and call it an exaggeration of the truth.

Being a teacher, I spent much of my summer studying, reading, prowling the Internet and articles for the truth about Barack Obama. I spent COUNTLESS hours looking through his voting record, legislation bills, and co-sponsored floor bills.

Your numbers and "opinions" are just flat out wrong.

There is a reason that the Obama campaign refuses to talk about his past legislative decisions and political experience Josh.

The information is right underneath you if you did a little research.

Sounds like you're listening to cable media a little too much...

OneManMajority said...

Maybe this question helps:

Give the blogworld three specific and significant things that Barack Obama has accomplished that qualifies him as president of the United States.

P.S. I loved the sources you provided for the "truth" about McCain and Obama. Do you have stock in the liberal media or something? Nothing like checking off the top of that list huh?

OneManMajority said...

Joshua said...

I'm accused of biased news reading because I cited the IRS, the Urban Brookings Tax Policy Center, The Associated Press, and Local Newspapers. Then you send me to a news source whose creator said "we have a frustration all conservatives have", which is "the bias in media against conservatives, religious conservatives, [and] Christian conservatives."

Who's reading biased media? The guy who quotes the IRS as a source? Or the guy who sends readers to a admittedly conservative-based news organization?

And you really should read CNN a bit. They seem to favor McCain over Obama more often than not. Many comments come shaming CNN for clearly posturing toward McCain and not being an objective news source.

What qualifies Obama? I like the fact that he's taught constitutional law for 12 years. That's a start.

In Hyde Park, he helped build public funded housing for underprivileged senior citizens. In Illinois, he helped reform the welfare system, changed the death penalty laws, increased tax credits to low income families and promoted subsidies for childcare. He instituted policies to monitor police race profiling.

In the US Senate he cosponsored the secure America and Orderly Immigration Act, he co-sponsored the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act, he introduced the Iraq War De-escalation Act of 2007. And he sponsored the Iran Sanctions Enabling Act.

But if I had to pick only three, I would choose the three foreign policy decisions that he disagreed with McCain on, and was right about.

Obama said we needed to set a deadline to leave Iraq and McCain said he wanted to stay there for a hundred years. Now, Iraq is demanding we leave. Barack said we needed to talk to Iran, and McCain (and you) said that would be terrible. Now the Bush administration is talking to Iran. He voted not to go to war in Iraq in the first place, McCain has always supported the war.

Joshua said...

I've been thinking a lot about the way we discuss online, and I think I have to call it quits. I get so worked up about my political opinions, and for whatever reason, get frustrated when people can't see why I hold my opinion. I take my opinions very personally, and when someone disagrees with them, I think I almost take it personally. I think when we both sit at home, and see the other's response we say "Why can't he see the truth?!" We both deeply want the other to see our side of things, and it just isn't happening. I'm no longer expressing the Christian love for you that I'm called to express, and our discussion is not doing anything to further unity among us. So, thanks for the discussion, but in the interests of my personal convictions, I'm going to have to stop. From here on out, I agree to disagree.

OneManMajority said...

Several point before I agree with you...

I wasn't speaking about the IRS or the Tax Policy Center. I was talking about the 5 leftist newspapers you mentioned. It is easy to research their background and see the LONG list of left policies those "local" newspapers support and donate toward.

Barack Obama believes that the Constitution is a living document and that Supremem Court judges should have the power to rule from the bench. That's what you learn in 12 years of Constitutional study? Kind of scary.

I'll give you two of those issues (But I hardly qualify them as reasons to be experienced for the highest office). Barack Obama's Iraq De-esculation would have pulled ALL troops out of Iraq beginning in March of 2008. That has been deemed by most high ranking military officials as irresponsible judgement. Obviously we have since made progress and Iraq is no longer a Democratic issue. How many times have we heard it at the DNC???

I highly recommend the book, The Case Against Barack Obama. It is one of the best researched political books I have ever read and the author is very new to the political world himself. The sources are almost as big as the book.

I agree, we can agree to disagree.

Also, where else would I find an article that supports life that wasn't conservative? Surely not with any of those sources you had mentioned.

...a blog about life and faith...