Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Red Czar Rising

The world is at a crossroad right now.

Iran is enriching uranium for "nuclear power," allowing the training of insurgents within its borders, funding terrorist organizations, and Iranian president (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) continues to believe that he is the accelerator of Armageddon. Russia's recent aggression on its neighbor Georgia, its military threat on Poland and numerous other sovereign states, and its recent arms deal with Syria is beyond alarming. Pakistan's president, Pervez Musharraf, recent resignation makes a key American relationship even more susceptible to rogue rule.

With all of these recent developments, Iraq and Afghanistan still remain key focuses in the War on Terror and the progression towards stability.

These countries have demonstrated that they are unwilling to negotiate. Don't be fooled into thinking that the Bush Administration has been ill-advised in this area. The truth is, nothing...negotiations or sanctions...would work. Iran and Russia have other agendas that do not include the national interest of the United States of America. Frankly, these countries could care less. Provoking has become a mind game. Nuclear warfare has become the playing card.

Do people really want to support a presidential candidate that wants to sit down and "talk" to people that have no interest in listening? A presidential candidate that wants to breakdown our global forces, not build them up? A presidential candidate that rolls with public opinion rather than what is best for the country?

The world is at a crossroad right now, where will you be?

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