Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Bonita Springs 2008

Hello all! Sorry for the short absence, but the family and I went to Bonita Springs, Florida for a quick getaway before the summer is gone. Thanks to Megan's Aunt Sue and Uncle Bill, who have a second home in Bonita Springs, we were able to have an affordable vacation. I do not have much to tell you, but that's a good thing...because basically we just RELAXED! The weather was in the low 90's everyday and it only rained a few times during the trip. This was also Kayley's first BIG vacation. Besides being cranky because of a kink in her sleep schedule, she did an awesome job for only being 7 months and 3 weeks old! The week was filled with relaxation, tons of food, lounging by the pool, a trip to the beach, reading (which I'll be posting about later on), and a little bit of shopping. Maybe these pictures will help summarize the trip:

Kayley did amazingly well on the plane. People around us couldn't believe this was her first trip! Way to go Kayley!

This was the normal evening routine. Kayley and I relaxing in front of the tube.

When Kayley wasn't in the pool, she did her own share of lounging in her exersaucer as she watched Daddy be a goof in the pool.

Kayley LOVES the water. She gets so excited when she is in there. Kicking her legs. Splashing with her hands. Giggling. I think we have a water girl.

Kayley and Mommy were scooting around the pool with the raft.

Kayley and Mommy getting wet...again!

Kayley, for some strange reason, thought it was interesting to forcefully see how long Daddy could hold his breath.

Kayley = Exhausted

Kayley was trying to be helpful by helping Aunt Sue in the office.

Kayley was constantly on the move.

We just happened to capture the expression on Kayley's face when she saw the ocean. Needless to say, she was stunned.

Kayley and Daddy went wading into the waves for her first time.

Mommy got in on the action too!

Kayley was testing the water temperature when this wave broke on her. She seemed to enjoy the beach :)

Thanks Aunt Sue and Uncle Bill for opening your home up to us. We really enjoyed spending time in Florida with you on vacation. Thanks for all that you did for us when we were there as well. We really appreciate it!


Unknown said...

she's growing SO fast! i just LOVE when you post pics of her! she is so very pretty ryan.

praise God for a good time away too!

Anonymous said...

Glad you like Bonita Springs!

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