Thursday, August 7, 2008

Vacation With Barack: Part 1

During our vacation, I read a very enlightening book that I would like to share over a series of several parts. The book, The Case Against Barack Obama by David Freddoso, has solidified my position regarding the 2008 presidential election. If you are a McCain supporter, still on the fence between the two, or an Obama supporter...I hope these next series of posts express what the media and the candidate himself ignores to share with the American electorate.

I chose this book over The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi because it was based on more researched based facts than biased opinion. In fact, The Case Against Barack Obama was so well researched that I had a hard time processing the I took notes! Frankly, after reading this book, I do not see how a Barack Obama supporter could continue that support. More on that in a few.

David Freddoso was upfront. He made his reader's aware of his conservative philosophy and wasn't in the game of slandering and conspiracy theories. He was simply uncovering the truth. Barack Obama has little experience, has never been a reformer when given numerous opportunities at both the state and federal levels, and has ties with Chicago "radicals" and crooks that have funded most of his political career. Freddoso is simply claiming that Obama is nothing more than a liberal Democrat who is looking to push that agenda. Same "old politics" from someone who claims to be much more than anything we have ever seen in the political realm.

What I am about to share does not do the book justice in the least. There are so many underlying stories and issues that I could not even begin to write about them in the blogosphere. The research is there. All you have to do is find it. This book has done half the battle for you.

Part 1: Luck and Inexperience

This Part will be the least talked about. Basically, there isn't much to write about when it comes to experience.

The Bible on which Barack Obama took his Senate oath is still warm. His followers want to have him added to its pages, and the media seem willing to do the writing for them.

On January 2, 1996 Barack Obama made his first run for an elected office. Well kind of. Obama's camp, led by "dirty tactic specialist" David Axlerod had all four candidates disqualified and ran unopposed even though each candidate had well over the 757 signature requirement to be included in the ballot. Barack's camp made suspicious claims toward these signatures and no further investigation was completed. In 2004, Barack Obama's Senate seat was won because of the timely release of divorce files (both released to the public by Axelrod's former employer) by TWO candidates, Blair Hull and Jack Ryan. Surprisingly, the 2008 presidential election (for the highest office in the country)is Barack Obama's first real campaign.

His political mentor, Emil Jones, participated in a process that became known as "bill-jacking" by giving Obama late stage bills (over 800) to make them appear as his own. Basically, building his own warchest while stealing from another's. Obama has also, even though a great orator, been lifting entire sentences and segments of speeches from Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick during his political career.

For being a self-proclaimed "reformer," Obama has very little evidence to back that claim up (More detail in Part 2). Obama did nothing as Senator to clean up the corruption in Cook County after years of political abuse by the "Stroger Machine" in which he continually supported (more on this in Part 3). He basically helped deny voter choice and backed a corrupt political machine that he was directly and indirectly involved in.

Whether you are a Barack Obama supporter or not, there is no denying the favoritism from the media. Smearing Obama has gotten a "How dare you?" from our "fair and balanced" media. So, I probably don't need to go into the numerous examples of this. However, Chris Matthews sums it up with this quote, "I've been following politics since I was about five...I've never seen anything like this. This is bigger than Kennedy. [Obama] comes along, and he seems to have the answers. This is the New Testament."

What answers?

Well, not many answers, confusing answers, and nonexistent answers.

We'll save that for Part 2: Policy and Issues

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