Sunday, April 20, 2008

Liberals...Party-Poopers Since God Knows When

So recently, I wrote a post that vented my opinions on the political philosophy (and a seemingly disastrous way of life) known as Liberalism. Over the past week or so, I have been jotting down ways in which the liberal agenda has literally destroyed our "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness." Here are some of those items (along with some commentary):

*Prayer - Taken out of our court rooms, our government establishments, schools, hospitals, etc.
*Lead Paint - Man, all of those generations before us must be filled with lead!
*Low Flush Toilets - When they start regulating your toilet water, you know we're in deep crap (no pun intended).
*Aerosol Cans - My hairspray burned a hole in the ozone layer!
*Paper Bags - First they were in, then they were out, now they are back in...
*Oat bran - Huh?
*Coffee - It will kill you. Now, you need it to survive. Those silly scientists!
*ethanol - Put this in your car or else...
*Global Warming - Liberals say Conservatives are using fear tactics for the Iraq War, what the heck do you call Global Warming then? What the liberal media hasn't reported is that the Earth's temperature has actually DECREASED a degree. Thanks Al Gore :(
*Incandescent light bulbs - Global Warming!
*Balloons - Supposedly, a balloon fell into a lake and killed a fish. Result = several states banning balloons
*Outdoor Lighting - Light pollution...seriously?
*Cutting Trees - Apparently I have to ask to cut a tree down on my property. "Excuse me kind sir, may I chop down the tree in MY backyard?"
*Trans fat - It's called self-discipline.
*Coconut Oil - How dare you pop your popcorn in coconut oil.
*Smoking - I hate smoking as much as the next person, but I also believe cigarettes with tracking devices will be the next "it" thing.
*DDT - What was supposed to save millions of lives, killed millions of lives. Again, those silly scientists.
*Helmets - Pretty soon you'll be required, by law, to wear them while playing whiffle ball.
*Monkey Bars - Gone
*High Slides - Too high
*Toy guns - A few not so smart burglars, thousands of unhappy kids.
*Seat Belts - Wear it or be fined. Wear it or be dead was apparently not working?
*Garbage disposals - NC just recently tried to ban them.
*Rare Meat - You can't eat that! Yes I can! No you can't! OK!
*Firecrackers - You'll shoot your eye out!
*Diving Boards - No diving allowed.
Tag on the playground - Self-esteem issues, nobody wants to be "it."
Dodgeball - Too dangerous!
Touch Football - Too physical!

*And finally, starting in California (Home of Liberalism), Teachers may no longer refer to children's parents as Mom, Dad, Father, Mother, Spouse, etc. We must now refer to them as partners. Speechless...

Home of the free? If I can pray in school, then yes. Home of the brave? Are your helmets on? Then, yes.


Anonymous said...

I don't know what to make of your babble. Are you looking for things to label "liberal" just because it's the Ann Coulter thing to do?

Anonymous said...

props to the comment above

keep babbling

OneManMajority said...

No labeling needed. The liberal agenda is pretty clear.

Thanks for the comments Josh and Dave!

Josh said...

I actually haven't commented yet! I'm working on a response though and have my draft saved in a Word document. Expect my comments soon, but until then it seems you have a few more readers who might just not care too much for the bitter medicine you love to serve...

OneManMajority said...

Interesting, because the IP addresses are coming back the same, and the word "babble" was a dead give away.

Guess my computer is telling me lies.

Ryan said...

I admire your willingness to put yourself out there. However, like I've said before, I really think you putting labels and boxes around everything and last time I checked, people don't work that way. Life is way more complex than boxes of liberalism and conservatism. This is exactly what stops the dialog is when we start labeling people's actions and thoughts. Lets have a healthy dialog about the issues; because I really think there are some really good people out there who really care about our earth who you've just written off by your rhetoric. Also interested/concerned (if that's the right word) at the sign posted (is your church in agreement about what you write?) that's an honest question not a rhetorical one...

OneManMajority said...


Thank you for your comments. However, I have to disagree with you when it comes to generalities. I have said in previous posts, that there are both good and bad (people and/or ideas) on both sides of the spectrum.

However, I'm tired of the liberal agenda taking away basic rights and controling inalienable rights. Do people not see where this country is heading? The mainstream liberal ideals are not freeing by any means. These ideals only handcuff the American people.

I understand your stance Ryan. You seem to trust that God will make everything just. I agree. However, I also know that this is a fallen world that has given God a cold shoulder. Everyday there are less and less people standing up for His Word. I'm tired of watching that happen. I'm tired of becoming a soft country that has a government that cares more about who it controls than who it GOVERNS. Just because I have a political mindset that disagrees with a certain view does not make me any less a Christian.

Liberalism, the philosophy in which is being used in today's terms, is dangerous. Look at the state of our society. You shouldn't have to look far.

Dave said...


Josh asked me if I'd posted on your blog. I hadn't. I don't like posting anonymously, especially if it's somebody I know.

Although it may be hard for you to believe, there are others who disagree with your views, not just Josh and I :-D

I could answer every line of your post above, but the most potent, to me, is this one:

"However, I'm tired of the liberal agenda taking away basic rights and controling inalienable rights. Do people not see where this country is heading? The mainstream liberal ideals are not freeing by any means. These ideals only handcuff the American people."

What? What? Certainly the religious right isn't guilty of this. No, it's okay to demand respect of religion while insulting and demeaning somebody's lack of belief. Yeah, that seems equal to me. That seems fair and justified.

I'm certainly not defending a general term like 'liberalism'. Certainly most of my views are roughly aligned with them. But I cannot see evidence that 'liberalism' is actually doing more harm than 'conservative' agendas.

Facts? Statistics? Oh. Right. Sorry. We don't need those. I forgot. We just go with what 'feels' right.

OneManMajority said...


Once again, I am not saying the conservative right is not at fault. There is plenty of "guilt" on both sides of the political spectrum. In my opinion, a freedom as of now, I believe that the liberal left needs certain factions to have control over their sector of support.

And, in the liberal and atheistic venues, why do the problems of the conservative right always have to stem from religion? Is that the only fault? Seems to me like I have counted numerous "ideas" of liberalism that are hard to swallow:

Abortion rights, silencing of religion, universal healthcare, educational mandates, welfare, social programs, taxation, gun control, gay marriage (benefits), etc.

With liberalism, everyone is treated as a winner. There are no losers in liberalism. But, the fact is, liberalism HAS to have losers to survive. Liberalism creates losers in order to continue on. Nobody is a winner in liberalism. Our society is so numb and tolerant to ideas that have been pushed by the liberal agenda. We are creating chaos.

Why would I, or anyone, want to be connected to that cynical philosophy of governance? Why would I want to be apart of something that creates problems just to "fix" them? Why would I want to be apart of something that takes away our right to self govern and puts it in the hands of people who are more worried about filling an agenda?

There are wrongs to both sides. However, I would never even want to walk on the liberal side of the road.

OneManMajority said...

"The universe of liberalism must be a vexing place to live, because when race and gender are substantive proxies for values and principles, it fosters expectations and consequences bred from an artificial intellectual and cultural pool. That's how tyrants justify their actions, because by imposing its own cultural and civic template on the world, the left justifies a whole host of noxious policies, from racial quotas to partial birth abortion (ClearCommentary)."

This is a great quote and hits the nail on the head. I'm not saying ALL self-proclaimed liberals are bad people, not by any means, but what I am saying is that liberal policies, agendas, and convictions are inheritently dangerous. Based on the issues they present, and insist upon, as part of a governing body, it really has to be viewed as kamikaze politics.

OneManMajority said...

Also, in response to the labeling and boxing comment...

Isn't that what, in essence, liberalism does? The liberal agenda labels everything under the sun.

Education mandates - labels students through 504's, IEP's, and standardized testing, medication use, Jared's Law, etc.

Poverty - labels the poor and introduces mandates/programs such as welfare, social issues, food stamps, unemployment

Gun control - all guns are labeled as vehicles to murder

Abortion - all abortion is labeled as a matter of choice

Race/Gender - keeps the labels of sexist, racist, and bigot on the forefront in order to gain support.

Religion - labeled as the ill of the world. The downfall of society.

Must I go on? It may seem like I am sticking labels on things that appear to be liberal, but I haven't done that...liberalism already has!

...a blog about life and faith...