Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fools Day

I actually got punk'd. Worse yet, it was by one of my STUDENTS and the oldest trick in the book.

Before each class, I am always out in the hall greeting the students as they enter my classroom. During 3rd period, one of my students thought it would be funny to put a whoopee cushion underneath my chair.

Yes, I sat on it and she was right...it was funny :)


Dave said...

I was always too scared to do that in middle school. I'd be afraid of getting a detention or something.

Haha I just put myself in that position. I can't imagine how I'd react if I sat on a whoopee cushion in front of a bunch of kids. I'd probably just sit, dumbfounded, and grin.


Kate said...

A.W.E.S.O.M.E. Good job for your students!

Tam said...

i haven't heard of that prank in a LONG time! I would've fallen for it too!


Ryan said...

Did you know you can get one of those as a widget on your computer- ashamed to say, I have one. That's middle school kids for ya! I suppose it was a funny class period, good luck getting back on track!

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