Saturday, April 5, 2008

Humorous Political Satire

Sorry, couldn't help myself :) As a Christian, I know that, no matter what the presidential outcome, God will have our backs. But, for once, is it wrong for us to have God's back? I'll be honest, Obama scares the heck out of me. Not because of his inexperience. Not because of his color. Not because of his background. Barack Obama scares me because of his positions concerning key issues that may directly or indirectly effect American citizens in the years to come:

Health care: You think it's bad now? The overhaul to this system would be a financial nightmare. It would be a sea of mandates and price controls, with reduced choice and access; If you say you passed the Patients' Bill of Rights, but forget to mention that it was never passed into law...that's not change!

Education: it would be the status quo of a competition-free zone, and the continued hegemony of the teachers unions;

Taxation: he would repeal the Bush tax cuts, increasing marginal rates, capital gains, and ensuring the death tax lasts an eternity (aka MORE TAXES);

Judges: he would be a champion of activist-liberal judges;

Guns: he supports a complete ban on the manufacture, sale, and possession of handguns;

Iraq: Does he even know? If you gave a speech, and a very good speech, against the war in 2002; and then by 2004 you're saying you're not sure how you would have voted; and by 2005, 6, and 7 you voted for $300,000,000,000 in funding for the war that he was against in the first place...that's not change!

Abortion: he's in favor of partial-birth abortion;

Foreign Policy: From "Cowboy Policy" to the "Psychologist Couch Policy." In this fallen world, Utopia mindsets are illogical.

Religion and Race: Two Words: Jeremiah Wright. What would Dr. King think of this approach to racial "equality"?

Energy: If you rail against the special interests- like the oil companies and all the tax breaks and give-aways they've been given -- but you vote FOR Dick Cheney's energy bill...that's not change!

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