Sunday, September 2, 2007


PGCC is the abbreviated name for the school my brother is going too. The Professional Golfer's Community College (PGCC) is located about 45 minutes North of Orlando, Florida.

That's a long ways away.

Both of our families (Megan's side and mine) have always been a very close family. So when one of them, especially your only brother, goes off to school in is a strange feeling.

I know it is what he wants to do, and he is very passionate about it. However, in a selfish way, I hope he comes back after he is done. We have grown closer over the years (still not as close as I would like), but now it seems as though I lost that chance to really be a good brother.

At least for now.

Megan and I will be praying for his safety, his schooling, his golf, and his return. I hope he has a great experience and I look forward to hearing his stories. We also hope that my parent's have an easy experience with "empty nest" syndrome. We will pray for them to grow closer through this experience.

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