Monday, January 12, 2009

Ryan's Reads

In his book Do The Right Thing, Mike Huckabee reflects on his run for the Oval Office and offers an insight to his political philosophy. Huckabee does an excellent job of explaining his vision for Health Care (a focus on prevention, not reaction) and Taxes (Fair Tax), both of which I strongly support. Although Mike Huckabee is one of my favorite politicians, I was expecting more substance when it came to conservative policies and a renewed vision for the Republican Party. I'm guessing he has four years to refine those thoughts. The book focused more on his run at the Oval Office and positions Huckabee for another run in 2012 (he lays the groundwork by distancing himself from Mitt Romney). If you are a Huckabee fan or want to learn more, it's worth the read.

Next Reads:

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