Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Today, Barack Obama became the 44th President of the United States. Although I did not support his candidacy, today's inaugural activities were enjoyable to follow as an American. In these uncertain times, the mood of the day was moving. I enjoyed the heavy Christian sentiment as well. Although I question the average citizen's political knowledge, I hope their "political high" carries over to tomorrow. Obama has a lot on his plate. He has the weight of the world on his shoulders and every move will be under the political microscope. I hope he succeeds. I hope he mends a weakened nation. Only time will tell.

America still has a long way to go. America is expecting change from the same government and the same officials that have bankrupted our savings, our retirement, our medicare, our health care, our education system, and our trust. Getting back on the right track will take more than rhetoric and good feelings of hope. It will take dirty hands, tired faces, and determination. This doesn't require us to sacrifice, it requires us to use our potential. Our man-power. Our American spirit.

Transformation must happen.

The talking stops.

The action begins.

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