Thursday, August 16, 2007

Smelly Pine Trees

I was on my way to a meeting today and I saw an interesting sight that isn't so uncommon. A couple of guys pull up next to me at a traffic light, windows down and smoking, and their review mirror has about 10 of those smelly pine tree things that you can buy at about any store for a couple of bucks.

What the heck is the purpose of those things for a smoker? I can understand if I would use one, it would actually smell like what the label said. For a smoker, not so lucky. With a smoker, a pine scented tree smells like smoke and pine trees. A blueberry scented pine tree smells like blueberries and a cigarette. Even a "upper-scale" yankee barn scent (i.e. warm vanilla sugar) smells like that scent and a bar pre smokers ban days.

But hey, I wish I was that smelly pine tree inventor guy. Genius.

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