Sunday, September 21, 2008

Obama and Wall Street

Barack Obama LOVES Wall Street. Well, maybe I should say...Wall Street LOVES Barack Obama. During the recent Wall Street crisis, many Democrats have been lying through their teeth and padding their wallets.

Recently, Barack Obama has joined in the chorus of fraudulent statements regarding Wall Street. Fannie Mae and Fannie Mac have contributed $126,349 to Barack Obama, which ranks him second on the list of Washington lawmakers to receive such contributions. How are they able to give money away? The amazing statistic? These contributions have compiled over 19 years (1989) and in 143 working days as a U.S. Senator, Obama is an unfathomable second ($105,349 more than Senator McCain) after 19 years. Mr. Obama has received over 35 million in campaign contributions from Wall street. That's over 5x the amount John McCain has received.

To add insult to injury? Obama's inexperienced response to the Wall Street crisis is nothing new. McCain came out immediately with a speech and a plan for action. Check out Jeff Emanuel's post about Obama's Wall Street Response.

Obama and the economy? Bad combination. He cannot think on his own when a crisis arises. His statements demand responsible leadership on Wall Street while his campaign is funded by those very same delinquents. His VP thinks it is more patriotic to pay higher taxes (Obama has voted for 94 tax INCREASES).

Democrats: Playing the Blame Game

That's not change we can believe in. In fact, that's not a candidate we can believe in.


Josh said...

Wow. $126,000?

Obama raised $66 million in August alone and $390 million total.

Those contributions account for a massive .2% of what he raised just in AUGUST!

Also, McCain has received just as much, if not more from Fannie and Freddie.

"Long story short, both Obama and McCain have received campaign donations from people involved with the mortgage giants. So if McCain wants to call Obama out for it that’s fine, but like many of his recent attacks it’s bound to backfire because he’s playing fast and loose with the facts."

OneManMajority said...


Yes, $126,000 from companies that say that they have no money and need government assistance in order to run properly. They can give Obama $126,000 in a little under 3 years, but now I (as a tax payer) have to pay for their delinquent actions. I'd say that's a problem.

Not sure where your math skills are, but $126,000 and $21,000 aren't the same amount and the FEC is a different organization.

Remember, these totals have been acquired over a 19 year period and Barack Obama is 2nd on the list after not even 3 years in the Senate. I'd say that's another problem.

OneManMajority said...

Oh, and thank you for highlighting another one of Obama's gaffes and something that is further breaking the political campaign system.

All those millions and millions of dollars...

How could I forget how he turned down public financing after MONTHS of saying it was the only way to run a campaign and that he was deadset on reforming campaign finance?

Luckily John McCain kept to his word...again.

Josh said...

You obviously didn't read my article. Oh, well. Facts be damned. When less than .01% of your funds come from Fannie and Freddie, I'd hardly say you're a slave to the will of special interests. Let's take a gander at John McCain's oil friends, shall we?

John McCain recently said he'd fire the SEC chairman (which the prez can't do.) When he realized he wouldn't be able to do such a thing he covered it up by saying something to the effect of, "if I want someone in my administration out, they'll get out." That's highly disturbing to me as an American. I don't want my president strong-arming government around the same way the Bush administration has.

OneManMajority said...

I read it.

"Not sure where your math skills are, but $126,000 and $21,000 aren't the same amount and the FEC is a different organization."

Now, now. Let's not get into the things the candidates have said and had to cover up. Between Biden and Obama, I don't think Blogger has enough memory to list the recent political gaffes.

Do you really want to bring up the friend issue?

William Ayers of the Weatherman group who still stands by his groups bombings of the Pentagon and police stations. Reverend Jeremiah Wright who for 20+ years led a black liberation theology church that is as racial as they come. Tony Rezko who is currently on trial for 16 counts of fraud and running slums that Obama funded. Jim Johnson and Franklin Raines of Fannie Mae.

I'd take an oil man any day...

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