Tuesday, September 30, 2008


If you have been a reader of my blog, you know that my Grandma has been dealing with a lot of health issues over the past few months. For those who do not know, my grandma was diagnosed with lung and bone cancer. She has also been battling the pain of having a broken hip that cannot be operated on. After a few sessions of radiation and chemo, my grandma and grandpa decided that hospice care was the best option.

I have wanted to write something here for a long time. However, the same question kept blocking my thoughts; where do I start? My grandparents mean the world to my wife, Kayley, and I. I cannot even begin to explain how they have impacted my life. How they have made me a better person. How they have shown us how important family is. How they have always been there for us and helped us in our times of need. How they have shown us what true love is like.

I know there is a God because nothing else could create this love...

I pray simple prayers. Prayers of comfort and love. Prayers of patience and a peaceful mind. But, most of all, I pray that God's love will envelope her and ease her pain. I pray that God will lay a hand upon her shoulder and cradle her in His arms. I pray that he will speak to her heart and pour His words into her soul. I pray that he will strengthen her spirit and guide my grandpa as he gives her care.

For everything that they have done for us, I want to help anyway I can. Prayer is my strongest asset and the most powerful tool.

So, I pray...

I scoured the Bible for the right verses to type. I clicked on website after website in order to find the perfect words to say. Surprisingly, those words with with me all along. In 1928, my Great-Great-Great Grandfather, Charles, wrote a poem that used to hang in the hallway of my grandparent's home.

Nothing seemed more fitting for how I felt...

I've seen God in the morning
As dawn breaks into light,
I've seen Him in the evening
As twilight turns to night.

I've seen Him in the sunrise
In the beauty of the day,
I've seen Him in the sunset,
In the final, fading ray.

I've seen Him in the growing
Of the grain in the field and fen,
I've seen Him in the feeding
Of the cattle in the glen.

I've seen Him in the noble hearts
And lives, in service spent.
I've seen Him in the noble deeds
Of those whom He has sent.

I pray, that when my life is done
And I am laid to rest,
Someone may know, tho I have gone
That I have stood the test

That humbly, tho I've tried to live
While I on earth have trod,
While I was here, I strove to give
Someone a glimpse of God.

We love you Grandma! We are so blessed to be a part of your life.

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