Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sick As a Dog (whatever that means)

I hardly ever get sick. I'm probably laid up due to a sickness, maybe, one time every three years. Well, whatever I had today kicked my butt. I was up from 6am-10am being sick in the bathroom (you don't want to know), held a fever for most of the day, only ate two popsicles, laid on the couch for HOURS, and was "sick" a few times throughout the day. However, even though I'm still beat, the sick feeling went away around 6pm. My immune system is pretty amazing. I really think teaching helps to improve my chances of not getting sick. I build up a lot of immunity to a lot of junk. So, hopefully when I wake up tomorrow this will all be completely gone. Then, I can hopefully wait a few more years until this happens again :(

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