Monday, April 16, 2007

Virginia Tech Shootings

WoW...these are crazy times we're living in. What would drive someone to do such a thing? It is just one of those things that I will never be able to comprehend. At least 33 people shot and killed for what reason? Those 33 people were people trying to make something of their lives. They were future members of this countries workforce. Why have sick minded people decided to walk into school buildings and take the lives of anyone that comes in their way? What gives them the right to take the lives of innocent, defenseless people? School buildings are to be a place of community, saftey, and learning. It is a scary to think that this could happen to any school around this area. It is really scary to think this could happen to the school I work at. What would I do? How would I react? It is just something that cannot be comprehended by your average person. When I think of our schools, how safe are we really? Our doors lock at my school and you have to be let in by the secretary, but is that enough? The front door of our school is completely glass, how hard is that to break if someone wanted too? It is just very hard to think about when this is something that I do as a profession. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families.

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