Saturday, July 18, 2009

Warning: Oral Surgery

Warning! If you do not do well with seeing pictures of medical procedures, please do not scroll down. This post is an update of a recent oral surgery and the pictures are graphic in nature.

This past Tuesday, I had oral surgery done by Dr. Constantin Farah at the Center for Advanced Periodontal & Implant Care. At a recent visit to my dentist, Dr. Brandau, he advised me to seek an opinion from Dr. Farah for a gum graft procedure. Apparently, my gum line was receding around a few of my teeth, which can damage the tooth and roots, and he wanted it taken care of before I started teaching again in the fall.

Good call, Dr. B!

I could have never taught with my mouth like this!

For the procedure, Dr. Farah took about an inch of gum lining from the roof of my mouth and attached it to the front gum line above my canine tooth. He also pulled down my gums in several areas (apparently we have two layers of gums and my top layer was pretty weak). The procedure lasted about 45 minutes and I didn't feel a thing. I even got to watch Sports Center! However, that good feeling went away quickly. By the next morning, I looked like I had been in a bar fight the previous evening. The whole left-side of my face was swollen and three days afterwards I developed a black-eye. It will take about 2 weeks for the swelling to subside and about 6 weeks for the gums to look like new. Eating, one of my favorite things, is not so fun anymore. I have to chew on the right side of my mouth and all of the food has to be cut in "bite-size" portions. Good times!

Anyways, here are some pictures (basically for me to keep an account of) that were taken today (4 days after the procedure)... and again...if you do not like seeing medical procedures...come back another day!

Bruising from the surgery...

New gum line attached (and swollen!)...

Roof of mouth where gums were taken...

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