Thursday, July 16, 2009

Michael Jackson: 1958-2009

Today, while Kayley and Megan went to the pool, I stayed behind to do some research for my last graduate class. While I was working, I had Michael Jackson’s memorial service on. As I watched the “pre-service” coverage, I thought this would be “all ’bout Michael.” As I watched the service…it was, but God’s love shown brightly on the biggest stage possible. Today, all over the world, people saw God’s testimony through a man that many people would not have associated with our Christian God. Instead of celebrating Michael alone, the world celebrated God for his creation. Those who spoke at the service made that vividly clear.

Isn’t He amazing?

His works are continually unimaginable.

His stage became ours.

In one of the biggest television moments of all time; the testimony of God is what lite up the stage. Michael Jackson was a great talent, but God gave him his gifts. We are seeing a celebration of God around the world…what an awesome thing to witness!

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