Saturday, April 11, 2009

America: "Appeasing the World Since 2009"

Recently, Barack Obama made his first trip to foreign countries as president of the United States. During this trip, several instances occurred that are worth discussing.

First, this administration is single handily putting America's tail between its legs in regards to foreign policy. Never have I witnessed the president of the free world being so apologetic for the United States of America and its people. From country to country, Obama apologized for America's arrogance, dominance, and stupidity. "Ahhh, those arrogant Americans. First they rebel against King George III and all the crowned heads of Europe. Then they welcome tens of millions of poor and persecuted people from the Old World. Then they fail to bow down to Europe's greatest figures -- from Napoleon and Otto von Bismarck to the Kaiser, Hitler and Stalin. Then they fight a civil war, losing half a million people to liberate black people in America. Then they diss the man the BBC considers to be the greatest philosopher ever, one Karl Marx, whose followers killed 100 million innocents in the 20th century. And then, to top it all off, they liberate both the Western half of Europe in 1946 and the Eastern half in 1989" (Lewis, 2009). I'm sorry Mr. President, but you do not have to apologize for me or anyone else. Personally, I'm proud for what my country stands for (or used to stand for), and I have a hard time believing in European socialism and its creation of gutless citizens who believe in statism over liberty. Mr. Obama vowed to bring America's cards to the card table and start playing the game the right way. However, the Obama Administration is oblivious to world events and ideologies.

Second, Barack Obama's declaration in Turkey that the United States is not a Christian nation. Can you imagine the king of Saudi Arabia (whom Obama bowed to)saying that his country is not a Muslim nation? There would be mob rioting in the streets. I agree with Obama to an extent. Do I believe that Christianity and those who follow it should be raised on a pedestal above all others? No. Do I believe that the United States has a Christian theocracy? Hardly. What Obama should have said is this: America, although rooted with a strong heritage of Judeo-Christian principles, is one of the freest and most prosperous nations for all races, ethnicity, and faiths. I believe that our nation was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, which the secular cultures of this country have tried to destroy for years. Our Founding Fathers (dominantly Christian...although some secularists will argue a few of them as deists) knew that "the concept of unalienable rights inheres in the Judeo-Christian precept that an all-loving God created man in his image, thus entitling him to dignity, freedom and rights that cannot be divested by the state" (Limbaugh, 2009). Our constitutional framework was created with a Christian worldview, the Bill of Rights is biblically based, and Western Law adopted Christian principles as its basis. Barack Obama needs to crack open a history book before he tries to, disastrously, rewrite one.

Third, the pros and cons of the G-20 Summit. Do we need allies to push for liberty? Yes. Do we need allies to help stop global terrorism. Yes. Do we need allies to end the threat of a nuclear Iran and North Korea? Yes. These are all great ways to bring our friends back to the table. However, Obama doesn't stop (or start, in some cases) there. His alliances will financially fund a non-existent global warming hysteria. His alliances will slowly roll over and accept radical Islam as a natural occurrence of the times. His alliances will promote global wealth distribution and tax its citizens for socialistic programs that make us slaves to the state. His alliances will have a checks and balances system, because we wouldn't want anyone to get to arrogant and out of place. Therefore, Obama has put us in our place....appeasers of the free world...what's it gonna cost you?

Hey, at least I didn't vote for the guy. I have that going for me.


Josh said...

Wow, you're citing Limbaugh now? That's really a pity.

OneManMajority said...

Yes, Josh. David Limbaugh. The real pity is your assumption that the source was RUSH Limbaugh. Nice detective work.

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