Monday, February 2, 2009

Dear Governor Strickland...

Make your voice heard in Columbus!

Obviously, for many, the economy has affected our lives to some degree. Even as a teacher in the education field, my job is never secure. However, there is a way to help. Education is the foundation of our free society. It always has been and it needs to always be. However, underfunding and cuts in the budget threaten to place education in the backseat of the political vehicle. Please join me in supporting education in the state of Ohio. Let Governor Strickland know how much our educational values mean and how important it is to uphold. Less than 5 minutes of your time could keep education as an important priority in Ohio. If you go to the link below, you can copy, paste, and fill in YOUR information (or write your own) in order to express your concern(s) as an Ohio educator or citizen. Someone on Mr. Strickland's staff will read this; and from my working knowledge of government, compiles a list of those in FAVOR, those OPPOSED to any such legislation/policy; so at least you will be “heard” in this way. Thanks for taking the time to make our voices heard.

Contact Governor Strickland

Also, in the spirit of big financial bailouts, let President Obama know how much you value education. Instead of saving the greedy, let's pump money into our public schools system. You can contact the White House below:

President Obama
Contact President Obama

My name is ____________ and I am from __________, Ohio. Due to the current economic status, Ohio has some challenging times ahead of it. However, I am asking you, as the Governor, to spare the drastic cuts in education. Our education system cannot afford a reduction in funding or highly-qualified teachers. Now, with the intended cuts, so many families could possibly face a dramatic change in their standard of living.

You have outlined three distinct scenarios for your two year budget. A 95%, 90% and 75% budget change in regards to education. Please spare education when you make these final decisions as Ohio's governor. Education is the one service, the one tool, and the one resource that can better our communities and our society. I would hate for thousands of hard working teachers to lose his or her job because of a few percentage points decided by a state entity. I understand that the budget has to be balanced, but please do not hurt the future of Ohio's children and the hard working professionals who guide them in the classrooms on a daily basis.


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