Friday, May 18, 2007

The New House :)

Whew! What a busy couple of days. But, it all paid off. We LOVE our new house. It is still a very weird feeling to walk around this place. The house is over 700 square feet bigger than our old place!!! It is just so weird to pull up into a driveway and see a house, a yard, a patio, etc. It was very overwhelming today, but it is finally coming together and we are slowly making it our own. The one bummer: Stinky Links is staying at his grandparents for the night until it is a little more organized here. We miss him and can't wait to watch him explore. All the rooms are pretty much finished. The baby's room is the only exception. We will probably build that room up over the next 7 months. We love this place with each passing moment. Can't wait to have everyone over for the big cookout! This is going to be awesome!

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